Gravid and about to lay.


New Member
Ok gecko nuts i have three females that are gravid and are about to lay. just making sure that i do this right can some of you tell me the process you go through after eggs are lain. i have my incubator up and running and it is staying at a consistent 83.00 degrees. what i want to know is one do i put water in the bottom of the incubator two should i poke a hole or two in the container that the eggs will be sitting in. three how often should i open the lid of the container to let a "breath of fresh air in" do i need to re moisten the vermiculite during incubation. i know not to let turn the eggs over and in fact to mark the top of them before i do move them. anything else i need to know


New Member
I put my containers into the incubator when i think my females are close to laying, that way the substrate is the right temperature and can not affect the eggs in any way.

I dont put water in the bottom of my incubator, i poke 2 pen-tip sized holes, i open the containers twice during incubation to make sure they are staying firm and that they are fertile (also check for mold). If your ratio of water to substrate is correct i dont think you should need to add any water. If the eggs start to dent there isnt enough water, if they mold then there is too much.

Thats pretty much it, just a cruel waiting game then D:
but in the end its rewarding to see all the little hatchlings.



Staff member
Somerville, MA
If you're going to put water in the incubator as a heat sink, put it in zip loc bags, don't just pour it in. My preference is not to put any holes in the egg container as it may dry out the substrate. I open the container briefly every week, or whenever I have to put in new eggs. My egg containers go into the incubator as soon as I turn it on in Jan. even though it may be a month or more before there's anything to put in there.


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