Gravid/Eggs? Overweight? New Leo Pet Person


New Member
Hello! Long story short...bought two young Leopard Geckos for pets in early September, sales person said pretty sure they were both female. I understand they do ovulate and can produce unfertilized eggs too. One has grown in the belly and slowed down eating, not that interested most days. She finally ate a bit today and then right back in humid hide. She is digging in there a bit, but no eggs laid. Wondering if anyone can see eggs in the pics. She's a sweet baby and I want to be sure I'm not missing something else! Thanks so much!


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New Member
Hello! Long story short...bought two young Leopard Geckos for pets in early September, sales person said pretty sure they were both female. I understand they do ovulate and can produce unfertilized eggs too. One has grown in the belly and slowed down eating, not that interested most days. She finally ate a bit today and then right back in humid hide. She is digging in there a bit, but no eggs laid. Wondering if anyone can see eggs in the pics. She's a sweet baby and I want to be sure I'm not missing something else! Thanks so much!
I forgot to mention that the other "female" appears to be male. Thanks for any assistance you can provide


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I don't see eggs clearly but it's often hard to tell from a picture. Given the fact that her tail is nice and fat, it may be that she's just a "big girl". Unless you want to get into breeding which would mean getting an incubator and planning housing for hatchings, I recommend that you separate your geckos if you haven't done it already (they absolutely won't miss each other). If they did mate and if she does lay, you may get 2 eggs every few weeks for who knows how long. I have found that gravid geckos don't really look fatter (at least in my experience) the way humans and cats do. You may have to just wait and see what does (or doesn't) happen.



New Member
I don't see eggs clearly but it's often hard to tell from a picture. Given the fact that her tail is nice and fat, it may be that she's just a "big girl". Unless you want to get into breeding which would mean getting an incubator and planning housing for hatchings, I recommend that you separate your geckos if you haven't done it already (they absolutely won't miss each other). If they did mate and if she does lay, you may get 2 eggs every few weeks for who knows how long. I have found that gravid geckos don't really look fatter (at least in my experience) the way humans and cats do. You may have to just wait and see what does (or doesn't) happen.

Thanks Aliza! I did make a little humid hut for her to dig and bury eggs in of she's got em. I also grabbed some items to make an inqubator if needed. Hopefully, we'll know soon for sure. Thanks again

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