Gravid gecko shaking please help me




I've had 4 geckos for about 8 months now, 2 tangerines, 1 mack sno2, and 1 regular. All seem to be doing fine until this morning. I bred my tangerines and my female has laid 3 eggs in the last few days, only one of which I believe to be fertile. She has seemed fine and looks like the healthiest gecko I have weighing 70g and having a very fat tail. Although, this morning I noticed she was shaking while walking, and made that clicking sound when I picked her up. I have calcium in her dish, but I'm not sure if she's eating, I dusted a pinki for her to eat (never fed pinkis before) in hopes that will help her get her strength back. Any input on this matter would be greatly appreciated.



New Member
Toronto ,Canada

I've had 4 geckos for about 8 months now, 2 tangerines, 1 mack sno2, and 1 regular. All seem to be doing fine until this morning. I bred my tangerines and my female has laid 3 eggs in the last few days, only one of which I believe to be fertile. She has seemed fine and looks like the healthiest gecko I have weighing 70g and having a very fat tail. Although, this morning I noticed she was shaking while walking, and made that clicking sound when I picked her up. I have calcium in her dish, but I'm not sure if she's eating, I dusted a pinki for her to eat (never fed pinkis before) in hopes that will help her get her strength back. Any input on this matter would be greatly appreciated.


A leo that has laid a clutch of 3 in the last couple of days is going through a lot of stress on her body.Its like a human giving birth to triplets.Is this her first clutch??ive heard my leos click also.offer her the calcium dish.I know my girls dont accept food when they are laying.


well I hope you are right, although how do you explain the shaking? The only thing I can conclude is bone disease, although I hope there is another explanation. I was hoping that I would get some more feedback. Thank you for your response and input. I offered her a slue of dusted crickets and a pinki and she hasn't touched anything. Do you think it would help to force feed her water/calcium mix?

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
Sorry this is a bit off the original topic, but...

Are you definitely sure that it was this particular female that laid three eggs in the past few days? Could one of the eggs be from one of the other leos instead? If not, then I think this would be the first time in leopard gecko history that a female laid three eggs. If so, then you have another egg to find :)

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