Growth Chart - Excel or other Spreadsheet


New Member
Las Vegas, NV
Hello gang,

Does anyone have any spreadsheet growth charts they would like to share? I am looking to track weight most importantly, but feeding habits and shed dates would be nice also.

Currently, my twin boys and I keep weight records on a text file and on here as backup. Here is a snippet how how we have been tracking weight:

Weigh In on 10/3/09

Jungle Jezebelle 49.1 g; Carrot Tail 27.5 g; Goldielocks 64.7 g; Godzilla 86.0 g; Norma 34.3 g

Weigh In on 10/16/09

Carrot Tail 28.8 g; Norma 36.1 g; Jungle Jezebelle 49.1 g

Weigh In on 11/01/09

Jungle Jezebelle 51.6 g; Carrot tail 27.9 g; Norma 34.3 g

Weigh In on 11/6/09

Krocky 73.6 g; Jungle Jezebelle 55.5 g; Godzilla 89.8 g

Weigh In on 11/8/09

Spauldy 77.1;


I'd like to move all this over to a speadsheet, plus keep track of other data as well.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Eric and the Twins

Allee Toler

New Member
Mission Bay, CA
I did some of my leos, and averaged it out.

It's by weeks.
weeks weight in grams
3 weeks 5.7
1 month 8.4
5 weeks 8.7
6 weeks 11.3
7 weeks 14.2
2 months 17.1
9 weeks 18.4
10 weeks 21.5
11 weeks 21.8
3 months 22.1
13 weeks 26.2
14 weeks 31.3
15 weeks 32.1
4 months 36.9
17 weeks 37.2
18 weeks 41.1
19 weeks 45.3
5 months 51.3

These were 2 normals, 2 shtctb's, a tremper albino, and a mack snow. 3.3 sex wise.

Geckos were kept in 41qt tubs, fed mealies and crix. Given all they could eat in 15 minutes.

Hope this helps?


New Member
Athens, GA
Call me a nerd, but I'm a very visual person, so graphs mean a lot more to me than just a string of dates and weights.

Here's a graph of my giant male, Jack, and my probable giant female, Boo. What's really neat is that you can see exactly where she was at the peak of her ovulations and how long it took her to recover to her prebreeding weight. Information like this really helps me with timing everything.

(EDIT: Grr... can't get the img tags to work, so I've attached it to the post instead.)
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New Member
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Call me a nerd, but I'm a very visual person, so graphs mean a lot more to me than just a string of dates and weights.

Here's a graph of my giant male, Jack, and my probable giant female, Boo. What's really neat is that you can see exactly where she was at the peak of her ovulations and how long it took her to recover to her prebreeding weight. Information like this really helps me with timing everything.

(EDIT: Grr... can't get the img tags to work, so I've attached it to the post instead.)

i never thought of that! thats a great idea!! I might just have to use that :)


New Member
Las Vegas, NV
That is really cool. I am a visual person and love graphs to.

That's the very reason I would like to get this information into a spreadsheet format.

Excel and other spreadsheet programs let you graph things out this way.

How are you getting this information into your graph. Are you using a spreadsheet and then graphing it with the data you compiled?

If so, can you send me a copy of your spreadsheet so I can use it?

Thank you,


Call me a nerd, but I'm a very visual person, so graphs mean a lot more to me than just a string of dates and weights.

Here's a graph of my giant male, Jack, and my probable giant female, Boo. What's really neat is that you can see exactly where she was at the peak of her ovulations and how long it took her to recover to her prebreeding weight. Information like this really helps me with timing everything.

(EDIT: Grr... can't get the img tags to work, so I've attached it to the post instead.)


New Member
Las Vegas, NV
Hello Allee,

Thanks for that information. When you said you averaged it out, you mean you too the average weight off all for Leo's and recorded that each week? So at three weeks you have 5.7 grams. Is that the average weight of all 4 of your Leo's?

Did you just save this information in a text file, or did you use a spread sheet to track and graph it out?

I like the growth rates of your Leo's. They progressed along quite nicely.

Did each one have a 41 qt tube out did you house multiples together?

Thank you,


I did some of my leos, and averaged it out.

It's by weeks.
weeks weight in grams
3 weeks 5.7
1 month 8.4
5 weeks 8.7
6 weeks 11.3
7 weeks 14.2
2 months 17.1
9 weeks 18.4
10 weeks 21.5
11 weeks 21.8
3 months 22.1
13 weeks 26.2
14 weeks 31.3
15 weeks 32.1
4 months 36.9
17 weeks 37.2
18 weeks 41.1
19 weeks 45.3
5 months 51.3

These were 2 normals, 2 shtctb's, a tremper albino, and a mack snow. 3.3 sex wise.

Geckos were kept in 41qt tubs, fed mealies and crix. Given all they could eat in 15 minutes.

Hope this helps?

Allee Toler

New Member
Mission Bay, CA
To get accurate readings I had one leo in each 41. Just so they had room to do whatever, and stress free.

I took all their weights in one week added together and divided it by the number of leos.

Not all leos were the same size when I did this. I recorded each gecko individually. I had one leo from last year's chart. I have charts for all my leos, and I just picked 6 randomly and compared them, then averaged their growth. They line up pretty exact with my other leos who are kept individually in 15qt tubs.

I recorded the info with a sharpie on the outside of the tub, then when I changed tubs I wrote them all down and put them in a filing cabinet under their medical file/genetic file.

edit*And there were 6 leos total. 3 male 3 female.


New Member
I am in the process of keeping wieghts of our geckos and ill post the charts I have when I get home. Right now we are stuck at Dry Tortugas National Park riding out hurricane IDA lol :)

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
I like that graph thing too. Is that an excel thing? I've never really used excel, but if it will do graphs, that's how I will chart mine for sure. I think...


New Member
Athens, GA
Yeah, I use Microsoft Excel, although the Open Office Spreadsheet is just as good (and free). It's really easy to use. To graph, select your data (including the values you want on your X and Y axes), click the graphing icon in the toolbar, then just select the type of graph you want to use. You can fiddle with the settings and change the scale of the axes to make things easier to read.

To graph properly, I put the date in one column, then have a column for each of my geckos. I try to weigh all my geckos on the same date to keep the graph somewhat clean. It's really simple.

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