I know I'm not one of the big posters on the forums and all but lately I haven't been on hardly at all. Just thought I would let yall know that is because I haven't been feeling well for the past 2-3 months and IDK how soon I'm going to be feeling better BUT I do know that it will be mid April - mid May.... cause that's when the baby is due 
Hubby and I were only trying for 2 months before I found out in Sept that we succeeded in August. The Estimated Due Date is May 7th but I am praying for April 24th as that is hubbys B-day and I think that would be great. But ya, I've been feeling like crap (THANK GOD not actually getting sick though!) and be SOOO tired (slept almost 15hrs the other day off and on and was still beat lol) but I am in the second trimester already so WOOOHOOO!
Hubby and I were only trying for 2 months before I found out in Sept that we succeeded in August. The Estimated Due Date is May 7th but I am praying for April 24th as that is hubbys B-day and I think that would be great. But ya, I've been feeling like crap (THANK GOD not actually getting sick though!) and be SOOO tired (slept almost 15hrs the other day off and on and was still beat lol) but I am in the second trimester already so WOOOHOOO!