Gut loading mealworms


New Member
New guy here. Just got a 5 month old mack snow for my birthday. He has a huge appetite and has no problems eating both crickets and mealworms. About once a week, I toss the crickets into a ziploc with Fluker's calcium and multivitamin to coat them before I feed them to my little guy(or girl). I also gut load the crickets with Fluker's orange cubes and dry cricket diet. For mealworms, I just toss a few into a bowl with some calcium/multivitamin without prior gut loading. The problem is 90% of the time, the mealworms will escape from the food bowl and the calcium/multivitamin does not stick to them quite as well as it does the crickets, so my gecko isn't getting any of the calcium/multivitamin with the mealies.

I've read on these boards that you can gut load mealies using the same stuff I use for my crickets. I have 2 questions:
1) Will the gut loaded mealworms provide my gecko with enough calcium and vitamins?
2) If I gut load the crickets and mealworms with Fluker's high calcium diet, will that be enough? Or will I still need to dust the crickets with calcium/multivitamins before feedings once in a while (I don't particularly enjoy handling the crickets and it gets a little messy with the powders).

Just want to thank you all for this awesome informative board!


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
You do need to provide calcium/D3/vitamin supplements, as just gut loading feeders is not enough. Sounds like you need a better dish for the mealworms so they stay in with the supplements. I've found that the Lee's ones with the curved sides work okay. I've sometimes cut my own dishes from the bottoms of small tupperware containers. You can also try leaving a piece of carrot/squash in the dish to keep the worms busy.

Gutloading is a great way to ensure your gecko gets lots of good nutrients though, in addition to dusting or keeping supplement mixes in dishes in the cage. I highly recommend trying to gutload with nutritious mixes and also fresh vegetables/greens.
Much Ado About Chameleons: The Anatomy of Gut-Loading | Ingredients & Nutritional Info

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