Half Question/Half Rant


New Member
So... Have any of you thought you found the perfect job? Been happy with it? Then management becomes the devil reincarnate?

I found that job... So it was great. I hated the retail part of it, but the animals and helping people with their animals was great. For the past month or so, my assitant manager and team lead have decided to be complete utter witches to me. I mean the assitant manager has always had it in for me, but now having to work with her more as my schedule changed for whatever reason, she has made my job hard! I put in a two weeks last night, but it was via email as my boss is out of town. I want to call him to make sure he reads it before tomorrow when I go in. I do NOT want to go because I'll be working with them. I felt like I had to put in the two weeks as it's what's right to do, but I don't feel comfortable staying, which I explained in the email. I want to call him and leave a message for him to read it, but I'm worried he'll actually answer. I just want him to read the email and we can talk about it tomorrow. I odn't want to talk about it really, but whatever... I know when I go in, if he doesn't read the email, he'll yell at me as soon as I go in, not knowing my side of the story... But whatever.. And I'm hoping to portray to him that I'm a responsible person and to quit without a job to go to, should hopefully show him something. That I'm so worried about my mental health and stability while working at the job being harassed and bullied, that I have to be unemployeed until I find another job. It's not right. And I mean I realize I should have gone to him sooner before it got this bad, but before I didn't have this schedule and I didn't see them much. For the past three weeks it's gotten so bad I can't even give it another chance; I had intended to do so, but can't do it anymore. I almost quit on the spot last night. But I don't have the balls to do it. My boyfriend's grandmother told me to finish my two weeks then go to unemployment and file an EO, or something, saying that I was harassed by management. But, that's too much conflict for me to deal with. But anyway... Yea...


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Yes, I landed a job at an Advertising company. It was a favor to a friend to go in as a temp til they found someone and I would up getting the job even though I was taking time off after high school to go to college and didn't want nor was looking for another full time job. I was already working PT at the mall at 2 stores and a security guard 3rd shift to pay for school.

But I loved it, I mean I loved loved my job, it was my so much that I dumped my long time high school boyfriend because he "wasn't getting enough quatlity time" and I worked my ass off and went to school at night and quit my other 3 jobs that I loved too lol

It wasn't too long before I started to hate my boss the owner (less than 6 months) and we had some knock down drag out, screaming, yelling cussing fights for 11 years but I still loved that job.

I stayed there til I was 29 and pregnant with my son and had all intentions of going back and maternity leave and never did.


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
PS I did walk out at least 3 times but I wold go back in the next am to give a 2 week notice so the walk out would not be on my work record and would wind up still staying.


New Member
you stayed in it much longer than i'd be able to. i want him to realize that i'm worried about my mental health by staying. and that i'm a responsible person and taking into account i don't have another job lined up, will hopefully kick the seriousness into his head. no income means these lizards better be producing some golden eggs soon. ha... i wish my manager would fire the witches that have been harassing me, but that'll never happen. i mean it IS the second time i've found maggots in the crickets, and each time i'm told it was one of their faults... maybe that'll cause him to say something to her. i dunno... whatever...

plus i feel i'm a likeable person, considering i've never been treated like this in 20 years.


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
well Im stubborn and more bull headed than most people and I would not let him win in that way and he knew he needed me so he sure as heck wasn;t going to fire me when I cussed and screamed and yelled. He still asks me to this day to come back and I just laugh and say well maybe one day.

On another note, I was out for 10 weeks for a mental breakdown in 1995 when my grandfather died, part because of his death and part because of the job.


New Member
I really think that they are trying to run me off, and I don't want them to win, so to speak, but at the same time I really am worried about my mental health. I'm a manic depressive, and have problems enough dealing with everyday things, much less being picked on and harassed at work. I know that they need me, and they know it too, I think, but my health isn't worth what I feel I'm being put through. They may even claim it's not as bad as I portray it, but in my eyes how I see it is a tad more important, since I'm the victim and all... Or feel that way. And, again, I've been beating myself over this situation for weeks now, in tears many nights because I just can't figure it out. I don't know what I can change to make them like me. And, again, it's much more harder for me since I feel I'm a likeable person, and have never been treated with anything less than civility in my entire life.


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
I will tell you from being in your situation with depression and a job where you are treated like what comes out of the posterior region, its not worth it to stay. I did becuase I was just to plain bullheaded not to and I didn;t want it to be that I failed and couldn't stick it out and I suffered mentally, emotionally and in my personal life by doing so. I lost all of my friends, contact with most of my family and its just not worth all of that.

You will find another job you love, maybe try a vet office instead of a store so you can still work with animals.


New Member
yea i know.... i'm just trying to look for something at this point... i haven't even talked to my manager, jsut sent him my resignation. i'll see him tomorrow.


New Member
I talked to him today... I got some BS answer... You talk to customers too much and take too long with the animals and that's why they have a problem with you... WHAT? It's retail! Much less retail with animals! Whatever... His email is supposidly messing up, so I'm giving a two weeks tomorrow. He basically said that, if he's told he has to get rid of someone else, it just may be me... Whatever...


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
one of my very first jobs was at a vet and after I worked 33 days in a row since no one else could work or had to be off or whatever, I had surgery on my foot and had to have 4 days off. I was called in the day I had surgery, drove even though I wasn't supposed to and was "let go" because I cared to much for the animals and spent too mcuht ime with them.


Leave that job, Id not even give it 2 weeks, genearl rule of thumb is you give the notice based on how often you are paid, if you are paid weekly you can give 1 week and it considered normal, 2 weeks pay - 2 weeks notice etc.


You know you should make sure you send a written letter saying you are quiteing because of the harassment from the other coworkers because the previous response made it clear that they arn't interested in stopping it.

If you work at a chain of any sort then send a copy to the district human resource whoever.


Document everything. I would write a second letter stating you are being compelled to resign. Reiterate that you came forward with allegations of being harassed and in response your manager retaliated by threatening that you are close to being let go.

Honestly, only seeing one side of things I can not judge who is in the right over the long haul. There are certain things you need to suck up and do when working retail. It sounds like you enjoy doing your job with what is your interpretation of important values to hold in this profession. It should come as no surprise that the views of an ethical pet owner (and hobbyist/breeder) are often contrary to the operations of a large pet store. Generally low level retail management does not know how to motivate and communicate with their employees in order to meet objectives.

I can definitely see there being a clash of personalities, and it does not seem like this would be the right environment for you. You need to find something that is more conducive to your personality.

But given that you came forward to your manager with your concerns and his response was both dismissive and threatening... you are clearly justified in whatever actions you take from this point on.

Document everything, take it higher if you feel it is warranted. You should be able to still qualify for unemployment even if you quit, since you can document that you left because of a hostile work environment.

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