Halmahera Concerns


New Member
So I've had my male Halmahera now for about 2 weeks & some change. He is housed currently in a 12x12x18. (upgrading to 18x18x24 on Friday.) His day temp is 80 w/ a basking spot that hovers between 85 & 90. The humidity is around 70-80. That being said, he does not eat in his enclosure. He will only eat out of my hand. I have given him CGD and crickets, both by hand, and he will eat well. When I put the food in his enclosure, he will not eat. Any ideas? I am dusting the crickets in a multi vitamin. I mist 2 times daily as well as run a fogger for humidity. Any suggestions/ideas will be greatly appreciated.


New Member
Bay Area, CA
My bearded dragon goes through phases where she will only eat if I coax her along and show her the food. She seem's to be a few brain cells short of normal though and will sit and stare off into space without moving for an entire day. If I take her out then she'll show some intrest in her surroudings. I did recently give her a bigger enclosure but I don't think she's realized it yet. She doens't do that all of the time, but its almost like she shorts out sometimes.

You could always try a different bug too, not sure of the size of your critter but hornworms can be stimulating since they are bright green. My dragon will perk up and go nuts for one food (regardless of where I put it she spies it and will run for it) but all else is just "meh" unless she's really hungry because she hasn't ate for a day or two (her choice).


New Member
Got him from the NARBC in Anaheim. So I'm not sure of his up bringing. He is about 2 years old. As far as the cricket question, no I know there are still 3 crickets in his enclosure. They walk on his face and it doesn't even phase him lol. Maybe I will switch up his food. I just don't want him to rely on me to hand feed him because there's a lot of times I have to go out of town, and my wife will not feed him that way lol.

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