Handling new gecko


New Member

I have had my 2 new leopard geckos for a little over a week and I would like to start handling them more. I waited about 5 days before I tried handling them. They didnt seem to have a problem with my hand being in the cage or being near them so I thought it would be ok to try handling them. They are also eating fine.

What are some good ways to get them out of their hides so I can handle them ? I have tried food which works somewhat. The only problem now is they seem to be hesitant to come out for feeding. They just pop their heads out to eat the food. When they are being handled they are fine, its just hard to get them out of their hides.

They also seem to stay in the warm side hides almost all day. I rarely see them out at all. Is this normal ? I was told they are only about 5 months old will they get more adventurous with age ?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Most of the younger geckos tend to hide a lot which is instinctive self preservation. They do often get more adventurous as they get older, though some will always be reclusive. They will most likely not come out during the day, because they're nocturnal, but will tend to come out more at night. Some people may disagree with me, but I think that after they've had time to settle in, are eating regularly and have gotten used to your hand and voice, it's OK to gently lift the hide, slide one hand under a gecko, use your other hand to cover it so it 's in a little "hand" cave and lift it out of the tank. It will often sit in your hands enjoying the warmth and may ultimately walk up your arm. Watch out with the young ones who may not have figured out that they can't just walk off you and stand on air like they do in the cartoons.



Gecko Newbie
Deventer, the Netherlands
Watch out with the young ones who may not have figured out that they can't just walk off you and stand on air like they do in the cartoons.


haha! mine certainly tried out 3D walking throughout the cage, didn't quite work, I think they get the concept now :)

I usually try not to intrude too much on their hides, but sometimes will, when I need to get them out.


I'm more delicate and respectful of my geckos' hides than my friend, *cough*, but I still don't hesitate to simply lift the lid off and scoop them out. When they're out I generally just handwalk them. My leopards seem to dislike open spaces, so try and avoid that.

If your geckos are ALWAYS on the warm side, you might consider increasing the ambient room temperature? It also might be a function of hide disparity, id est, a particularly secure feeling hide on the warm side, and a paper towel roll on the cool side. I'm guilty of that particular setup. Ha.


New Member
I am still trying to get them out with food and it is still sort of working. They will eat off my hand now.

Well I have 2 hot side hides, 2 cold side hides, and one humid hide. The one cool side hide and hot side hide are the same. Both those rock like hides you buy at pet stores the other cool side hide is a smaller version of the rock like hides and the other hot side hide is a long hide, which they like to poop in and one of them poops on it.

My temps are about 90-95F on the hot side and 73-75F on the cool side. My room gets pretty cold at night, and usually stays cold so im not sure how to up the temps. I have a temp gun and digital thermometer for measuring temps. The temp gun usually says 93-95F once the UTH warms up. At the same time the digital thermometer says 85-87F.



What are some good ways to get them out of their hides so I can handle them ? I have tried food which works somewhat. The only problem now is they seem to be hesitant to come out for feeding. They just pop their heads out to eat the food. When they are being handled they are fine, its just hard to get them out of their hides.

If they can eat at the door....why would they venture
out in ???? land.
You become friends from association with them.
Lift their hide. Wet a knuckle. Slide it to them.
Let them taste you. Feed outside their doorway.
Shed the extra hides. IMO Housing together (if it works)
Works best if they share hides.
Take care. HJ


New Member
Well for feeding I make them come out and chase the mealworms or superworms. They are getting better, they seem to get more active and adventurous after feeding. One is also starting to shed. Anything I should look out for ? I have the humid hide in the tank and its moist.

They do share hides, most of the time. The one seems to like to sleep in the log hide. The second smaller cool side hide hasnt been used so far to my knowledge.

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