Has anyone else had a problem?


New Member
Hey guys, has anyone had a problem receiving geckos through the mail? I really want these 2 geckos but my parents won't let me because they don't like getting reptiles through the mail. Doesn't anybody else feel this way? Well they won't let me get them not because of Christmas or my birthday coming op and not because of the price but because they would HAVE to be shipped. If they were to be at the show I got to every 2 months I could totally get them. They wouldn't care if they were 500+ dollars. That would be like a late Christmas gift because all I really want are these two geckos. But instead, I can pick which ever 1 or 2 I want at the show. Has any one ever have to deal with a sick gecko or a tail detached or something like that when they received their gecko through the mail... Thanks and sorry it's sooo long oh and here are the two geckos I want image.jpg image.jpg Tell me what you guys think as a breeding pair...


Staff member
Somerville, MA
They are gorgeous geckos. Although problems do occur sometimes, kin most cases, if a gecko is properly packed and shipped they should be fine. My worst experience was receiving a day gecko that the breeder shipped USPS 2nd day air (which he shouldn't have done). It got lost in the mail and arrived "3rd day air" on a very cold day and seemed to be dead. I blew on it and it revived and I still have it to this day.

Last week I shipped 30 geckos to Florida (from Boston) in a big box. They should have arrived by 10:30 in the morning but there were bad storms in the midwest and they didn't get to the pet store till about 6pm. But they were fine.

Different people have different feelings about some things and ultimately you'll probably have to respect your parents' wishes (I have 3 kids myself). Show them the responses you get and maybe they'll change their minds. If not, be prepared to be flexible.



Biologist & Ecologist
Miami, Fl.
I've only had very minor issues with shipping mostly, and I've either received or sent out 30 different reptiles. Typically maybe they arrive at noon or 3pm instead of 10:30am. Only once have we lost a chameleon in the mail from Wednesday to Saturday, but he did arrive alive and well.

The only thing to keep in mind is that this time of the year is the busiest for shipping companies, regardless of who you use. So I'm always hesitant to ship too close to Christmas or New Year. Either get them right now or wait until after New Year's day, in my opinion. I lost that one chameleon in the mail during this month.


New Member
I'd say there are definitely risks involved, and when at all possible I always try for pickup (especially since it saves the absurd shipping fees), but in the cases where I have made purchases requiring shipping I had no issues. Only problem was a pictus gecko who.... lets say "couldn't hold it" and had to be cleaned....


New Member
In my experience, I have had 3 reptiles shipped to me, all 3 times where great with no problems, all 3 times the animal was a bit skittish for 1-2 weeks, but with proper care and handling got acquainted just fine with no problems. 1 of these was a leopard gecko that was sent to me in california from matt sasobek (thats nearly across the country) in wintertime. I had a beardie sent from bloodbank dragons, she is awesome. I also had a frilled dragon sent from LLLreptiles, arrived safe crazy lizard right there. I am about to recieve my 4th mail order animal from southeastern exotics which is a super snow enigma leopard gecko... mom. dad. In this hobby, most people order their animals via internet and recieve them in the mail. There are risks, but most breeders have the packaging down very well and insure the animal is safe.


New Member
Southern California
I've received a shipment of 7 geckos from Florida (across the country) in the middle of summer. Since temperatures were a bit warmer than we wanted, but they would soon be getting worse, we decided to have it shipped and held at the FedEx location. Brought them home and all have done quite well. No problems other than one getting the crap scared out of him lol.

I've also shipped out 5 geckos...all safely packaged and arrived with no problems. Each of the buyers were very pleased.
Each time, the geckos arrived around 9AM (the 7 for me) or 10-11 (for others). The latest package arrived at noon.

I've heard of a few horror stories from other buyers, but these are mainly due to improper packaging on the seller's part. Ensure that you buy from a good, reliable breeder and all you would have to worry about is the postal service doing their job.

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