Has anyone used CLAY to build caves, hides, etc...


New Member
Hey guys!

I was just wondering if anyone here has ever tried using clay to make their own custom hides, caves, etc.. for leopard geckos. I would love to try and make my own caves/hides and clay would seem to me to be the easiest way to do it.

I know alot of people us styrofoam and grout but it seems messy and very time consuming. I don't have alot of space in my apartment to work with that stuff and clay just seems so much easier. You just mold it and let it dry. There is an arts store not far from my apartment that sells lots of ready to use, different colored clay (non-toxic) that hardens without the need for an oven. Unfortunately I don't have the brand name with me. But the price was reasonable.

Any input here people? Thanks!


Shillelagh Law
I made quite a few hides and terrarium fixtures using hardware cloth to form a frame, then covering it inside and out with fiberglass* paint that layer, then coat the entire thing with polyethylene resin.

The shape of them was quite good, since I had complete and total control over what I was making and could tailor them to my specific needs. The materials used were lightweight, extremely durable, shatter resistant and easy to sanitize.

I can't paint worth a damn though, so my results were not nearly as good as they could be. They were all either solid colors with no deviation or they were ham-fisted attempts at mottling and shading which looked thoroughly unrealistic. If I were more capable of suitable artistry they would have turned out quite nice- as it is, they were always sort of mediocre.

*automotive repair grade, there are some epoxy compounds sold for similar use that also work well.

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