Have a few Q's


Lizard Lady ツ
The sticks
I am still not sure what I want to get for a snake. I am stuck between a corn snake, milk snake and a ball python. I am trying to do some research, and make the right choice on which to get. Yes, this will be my first snake of any type. :main_thumbsup:

Now why I made this thread;
1. What is the size cage balls need? I have a 20 gallon tank, but I will be getting a 30 gallon at the expo.
2. How are their temperment? Are they nice and kind, do they try to nip you?
3. What is their basic care, is it the same as a corn or milk?
4. Is it true that balls like to wrap around you, like you neck just to hang on?
5. How long do balls get when they are full grown?

Thank you!!


New Member
Chicago land
Bling_my_leo said:
I am still not sure what I want to get for a snake. I am stuck between a corn snake, milk snake and a ball python. I am trying to do some research, and make the right choice on which to get. Yes, this will be my first snake of any type. :main_thumbsup:

Now why I made this thread;
1. What is the size cage balls need? I have a 20 gallon tank, but I will be getting a 30 gallon at the expo.
2. How are their temperment? Are they nice and kind, do they try to nip you?
3. What is their basic care, is it the same as a corn or milk?
4. Is it true that balls like to wrap around you, like you neck just to hang on?
5. How long do balls get when they are full grown?

Thank you!!

Hey buddy, Well I as far as ball pythons go, even though I've only had mine since saturday, like you i've done some extensive research, and in my few days one on one with mine and from what ive read and heard:
1. they like small spaces, if you get a juvinile like mine, 20 gallon is fine, but I would suggest cluttering up the tank a bit to make it appear smaller(larger open habitats can stress the python)
1.5 If you get a male, from what I've gathered moving him to the 30 gallon would be perfect. If female shoot for a 40 gallon...either way between 30-40 gallon in the end.
2. temperment is temperment, they will be frightened of you but they do seem pretty chill. If they feel threatened they will hiss and curl into a tight ball(hence ball python) Also from what I have heard and read, biting is a case of mistaken identity, they think you are food. So keep your hands clean and make sure they arent in feeding mode when you try to handle them.
3. Basic care you can find in a care sheet, there are tons around.
4. they will wrap just to get a hold of something firm, I had one wrap two of my fingers(not tight at all, just so he felt secure while he explored down my arm)
5. 4-6 feet long depending on sex, males are smaller and leaner, while females are beefier and longer.
good luck! I hope that helped.


Lizard Lady ツ
The sticks
Thank you so much Ken! I will have to look around and read up on my care sheets. I will get a male if I do end up getting a ball.

I have yet two more questions, hope you can answer it;
1. If my ball turns out to be a famale, could I put her into a big lastic tub instead of buying a glass cage?
2. What size should the tub be for a female adult ball?

Hey buddy,

Hey Ken.. I'm a girl. Just thought I would tell you. ;)


Lizard Lady ツ
The sticks
I have two more questions, can you answer them;
1. What are the price ranges for a normal, reagular colored ball?
2. How much did you pay for your ball?


New Member
you can find them for pretty cheap now. if you know someone especially. my friend sells some for as low as 20 to 30 dollars. when i got mine i paid 60 if that helps. best of luck :)


New Member
Chicago land
Bling_my_leo said:
Hey Ken.. I'm a girl. Just thought I would tell you. ;)

Hey Emma, I did notice, yet I still typed buddy, my deepest apologies :main_yes: I'll do that quite often...call most people buddy, but more frequently if talking to a group regardless of age ill call them children. I dont know why I just do.
As morph stated about tubs.
I'm not a tub kind of person at all, tanks all the way.


Lizard Lady ツ
The sticks
It's okay Ken. :D I don't mind, it's just a mistake. I think that I will just house him in a 30 gallon tank, and if I need to, I will go and buy a 40 gallon tank.

Thank you all.

OT: Yay! My 1,000 post!! Yay!!!!


As far as the cage gose the bigest a ballpython needs is a 30 gal long.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Hey Emma.

We have 11 ball pythons, so I figured I'd give you another perspective.

20 gallon tank is fine. As mentioned, they do tend to like tight fitting places, as a general rule. If you get a female, you may want to upgrade to a 30 gallon, depending on how big she gets.

Temperament wise, they can be as different as humans. Most are great, but occassionally you get a real butthead. Most of mine are very social and love being out with humans and enjoy the interaction. A few are very shy and need quiet, one on one attention. Then I have one (my one and only pastel) that is mean as the day is long.

They really need it nice and warm with higher humidity. About 85 degrees and atleast 60% humidity. They like a basking spot, too, of about 90 degrees.

A well handled bp will hang out on your shoulders all day, if you let them. They do have a curious nature, though, so be mindful of where there at or you could face spending two hours trying to lure your animal out of a sleeper sofa. :main_rolleyes:

My adult males are about 3 and a half feet long and about 4 pounds. My adult females are around 4 and a half feet and 5 and a half pounds. My big girl, Maya, is just under 5 feet and 7 pounds.

Due to the number of bps I have, all of mine are in rubbermaid tubs. I don't like it, but they do better in the tubs (due to better humidity) than glass enclosures. If you can get the humidity and temps right in a glass cages, though, all should be good.

My big girls are in 50 quart tubs.

I've paid anywhere between $10 to $60 for a normal morph. Depending on where I purchased them from and if they were imports or captive raised.

So are you getting a baby?


Lizard Lady ツ
The sticks
Thank you!

Yes, I will be getting a baby if I do you get one. I am buying a 40 gallon bow front tank from acpart. She is going to bring tit to the show.


Lizard Lady ツ
The sticks
So, to keep the humidity up, should I mist the cage once a day? I will just be useing a uth, over over head lighting.

Thank you.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
You can try misting and see if it works, but more than likely, you'll need to cover most of the lid. Glad Press N Seal works great. Just leave a space big enough for the light or ventilation. (This is assuming you have a screen lid.)


Lizard Lady ツ
The sticks
Well, the 40 gallon bow front has a glass top that lifts up. Do I need to have a over head light for a ball? I thought they only need a uth?


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Since it has a glass top, you should be fine. BPs like to bask sometimes, but it isn't really a neccessity. Just make sure it's temp stays in the mid to high 80s with humidity 60% or above and you should be fine.:)


Lizard Lady ツ
The sticks
Well, I think I am not going to the tank. Just because the tank is really heavy is to big. I am just going to stick with a single corn snake. I may end up with two though. I have a tub that is perfect (long and wide, but not to high). I think I will buy a butter and my mom will buy a candy cane.

Thank you for your help.


New Member
yeah the UTH is all you really need. i think its better honestly. and you wont need to mist it daily your side of the country isnt as dry like mine lol i on the other had do sometimes :( you could probably be fine misting every 5 days to a week.

i hope you get the ball :) you wont be disapointed



If you're happy with the idea of getting a corn snake, I applaud your choice. I've never had one, but they are plenty popular and are a good snake for beginners. If your mom is getting one too, that should simplify some aspects of care.

If you are still open to suggestions, I'd recommend a thayeri king snake. Thayeri are a Mexican species that grow to about 32 to 36 inches total length as adults. They are also called "Variable Kingsnakes" because they have such a wide range of appearances. Some, have the red, yellow, and black coloring of a milksnake. In some cases, the yellow becomes a white, and I love that look. In other cases, they have a solid color and saddles consisting of two other colors. Mine are still very small, but they'll give you a little bit of the idea of pattern variations. The first one is my "milksnake phase" thayeri and the second one is a phase called the "leonis phase." Again, both of these phases come in a wide variety of colors.




Because these snakes don't become very large, they can live their entire lives very happily in a 20 gallon aquarium. Personally, I think a 20 gallon aquarium is a bit small for an adult ball python. I know people keep corn snakes in 20 gallon aquariums, but I would want something bigger as well. The smaller cage of a smaller snake is easier to clean.

These little kingsnakes are typically nice animals. They'll hide a great deal, but they occasionally come out. They are beautiful animals, and if you ever have a pair, the hatchlings will have all kinds of different appearances.

As with any kingsnake, you need to keep an eye on them when breeding to ensure that one doesn't eat the other.

Good luck,


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