Have two enigma males, one diablo blanco, one snowglow what would be a good pairing?


New Member
St. Petersburg, FL
Just like the title says, what would y'all pair with a diablo blanco enigma and/or a snowglow enigma?

I have a mack snow RAPTOR that I am considering using for possible novas, think it's worth trying?

The snowglow, I've not a clue. Shouldn't have purchased this one, he and my son's female "midnight" blizzard were impulse "oh these are cool" purchases rather than following a plan. The snowglow is pretty neat looking though!

The ultimate goal here is partially my son's science/genetics project, and partially something marketable for him to sell. All of the geckos that we are considering breeding are well bred animals purchased from known breeders.

We are prepared with everything we need from rack systems to incubator and are willing to cull, sell or keep whatever the outcome may be.

Thanks in advance,



New Member
St. Petersburg, FL
Are you aware of the neurological issues of Enigmas?


Yes, very well aware of it, and researched it prior to purchasing our first one. I know that some do not want to perpetuate the neurological issues, but there are also those who appreciate what the enigma gene is capable of producing. We do have pet enigmas that spin any time they are removed from their tub and have to be hand fed...those I would never ever breed and they have homes for life here. They were purchased from breeders and developed the neurosis as they aged.

The two we are considering breeding do not have any of the symptoms; some never develop symptoms.

Thank you for pointing out an obvious flaw in the plan though. I appreciate your thoughts.


Embrace Calamity

New Member
I was just checking to make sure you were aware of it. You can do what you want. But I have to comment on this:
some never develop symptoms.
This is false. The morph was only produced back in 2006, which means not even any of the very first enigmas have reached even half of their full lives and are only at the very oldest 7 years (if they're still alive - I don't know).

Like I said, I was just checking to make sure you were aware of it. No one can stop you.



New Member
St. Petersburg, FL
I was just checking to make sure you were aware of it. You can do what you want. But I have to comment on this:This is false. The morph was only produced back in 2006, which means not even any of the very first enigmas have reached even half of their full lives and are only at the very oldest 7 years (if they're still alive - I don't know).

Like I said, I was just checking to make sure you were aware of it. No one can stop you.


Very true, I had not considered the short amount of time the morph has been in existence, rather relied on personal experience.

Oh, I can be stopped, and I may change my mind about breeding the enigmas. I truly appreciate other's thoughts and opinions and am willing to take all of them into consideration and make an informed decision.

Please don't think I was being snarky, I failed to acknowledge the neurological issues in my first post and it needed to be pointed out.

This isn't our first go round with breeding, but it would be a first with the enigmas and the cons may very well outweigh the pros.

My son has an albino bandit project that he can use rather than the enigmas, so it isn't set in stone that we have to breed the enigmas.


Wonder Reptiles
Where did you get your diablo?
Is your son willing to lose the breeders if something goes wrong in breeding?

To answer your question, I wouldnt find any of those desirable.


New Member
St. Petersburg, FL
Where did you get your diablo?

Aside from four (one yearling and three four month olds that my son bred for) all of our current leopard geckos that would be considered for breeding have been purchased from well known, reputable breeders either through Repticon shows or through this board. The Diablo Blanco and Snowglow Enigma are both from a breeder who advertises on this site and is a vendor at our local Repticon. Given the obvious controversy, I will check to see if naming the breeder here is okay.

[/QUOTE]Is your son willing to lose the breeders if something goes wrong in breeding?[/QUOTE]

Yes. As with any breeding, or keeping of pets there is always something that can go wrong. He has experienced a devastating breeding loss already and is not just throwing any old pet store gecko together. He has worked hard to obtain the highest quality gecko available to him, has a business plan and is designing a website to showcase his "product". The homeschooling credit available to him with this "project" is a bonus.

[/QUOTE]To answer your question, I wouldnt find any of those desirable.[/QUOTE]

The enigmas specifically or the albino bandits as well? Because you do not condone breeding the enigma?

The reality here is that I asked for opinions and while the response has been negative, there hasn't been anything constructive either.

I personally posted this question without asking him hoping to get real opinions of the pairing from people with experience on this board. I do appreciate your response and hope that I have answered your questions.
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New Member
St. Petersburg, FL
I know someone who worked extensively with enigmas a few years ago. He produced over 200 of them, and he said that eventually every last one of them developed symptoms. He obviously stopped breeding them entirely. I always think of this when I hear "enigma": One of my favourite Leopard gecko's died - Geckos Unlimited Personally, I couldn't do it.


Thank you for the post, I followed the link and read it. My son experienced the loss of a favorite as well and it is heart wrenching.


Wonder Reptiles
I'm sorry you havent found the responses to be constructive.
I think enigmas, I have one, I just wouldnt want any of those crosses personally.
Other than that you seem to know what youre doing.


New Member
Los angeles
I was slightly confused with your post but I think you said you have a enigma db and an enigma snowglow both males? That is cool because those projects can connect at some point assuming that the snowglow is tremper. You should match them up with a db or something het for albino eclipse and blizzard. For the snowglow you should get a snow albino eclipse. You have some nice geckos with some huge potential there just house your enigmas alone to avoid stress and don't breed them to another enigma. I love enigmas so pretty. Also if your Mac snow raptor is a female she is a good match for either of your males.
I think your snowglow and blizzard were not mistakes all the geckos you mentioned have genes that go together.
Good luck!! I'd buy the babies of those pairings!

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