Having a really tough time....


Jennys Mom

Hi Everyone - this is my first post here. It's a great site.

Last Wednesday, our female veiled, Jenny, died in my hands of an URI. I was going to take her to the vet the next day. It came on very suddenly with labored breathing and I held her about an hour or so before she died. :cry:

It sounds stupid and crazy but our family really loved that chameleon. I took the next day off of work because my eyes were so swollen from crying. Plus, I was/am very depressed about it and didn't want to explain. :eek: I could just hear the sarcastic, "It's just a lizard/chameleon!" :sad3:

Geez, I really miss that little lizard. She wrapped her tail around my wrist and wrapped herself around my heart.

My husband bought a piece of granite and etched 'Our Beloved Jenny' in it for the spot where we buried her. We buried her under her favorite ficus plant we used to bring her to on warm days.

Am I crazy for missing her so much?

Thanks for listening.

Jenny's Mom
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K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Not crazy at all. Its amazing how these little animals can grab our hearts. It tore our entire family up when our sweet "Baby Girl" (female Amarali boa) died suddenly.
I know how devastating it is. I am so sorry for your loss.

Rest peacefully, Jenny. Your mama misses you. :(


60 miles south of Chicago
I am so sorry for your loss.

I STILL mourn my Reckoner (leo) that I lost in December.
No matter how big or small, they take a chunk of our hearts and souls with them when they pass.
And I still haven't recovered mine.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
If that makes you crazy then the rest of us must be insane. The loss of any pet is heartbreaking regardless of the species. Even "just lizards" can have a huge impact on our lives. Rest in peace, Jenny.

got spots?

leo lover
foglesville PA
I actually believe losing a gecko is harder than maybe a dog or cat. Geckos need a lot of matience and other things causing more of an attachment IMO. I am sorry your gecko died... It sounds as if she/he lived a very good life with a lot of love =]


New Member
So sorry for your loss. I know how you feel I lost my first leopard gecko in Oct. and I felt a little silly after feeling so sad . I joined this forum afterward and was glad to see I'm not "crazy". Welcome to GF. RIP Jenny.

Jennys Mom

Thank You

I want to thank all of you for your understanding and your kindness. I really miss our sweet girl. :main_no: Someone made a good point - reptiles require a lot more specific care than a dog or cat. You have to get things just right.... A lot of your time goes into them.

Anyway, your comments have really helped. Thank you so much. :)

Jenny's Mom

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