Heat spike


New Member
So, purchased my leo about 3 or 4 days ago, he/she is still a smaller juvenile so I have it in a rather large KK. Large enough for a zoo med multi use bowl/basking spot/hide (the large one), a small fake succulent plant, a calcium dish, and some fake ivy.

I started with sand, moved to paper towels after reading. I have a UTH under the single hide(that I keep moist) and it's been staying around 90-91. Today I get home and it was 102 O..O WTF happened all of a sudden!? Anyways, I raised the KK up off the UTH and it's stablizing around 88-90.

My concern is if any damage could have been done? I havent inspected my leo yet, feeding at the moment fine. Just a newbies concerns. Thanks in advance and I am incredibly sorry if this type or exact question gets asked a lot. My Tarantula community is very unforgiving ;-)


Staff member
Somerville, MA
As far as why the temp spiked: I have found that it can take a few days for the UTH to really get up to max temp. It seems as if you've solved the problem by raising the KK. Another solution is to get a rheostat or thermostat, especially because if the UTH is really too hot it can melt the plastic.

Someone one here (I think it was Marcia - Golden Gate Geckos) had a temp spike that caused some extreme reactions involving calcium crashing (I may have this wrong) in her geckos. However, if your gecko looks OK now, it's probably fine. I think her temp spike was much higher and the geckos had an immediate extreme reaction.

Welcome to GF.



New Member
Hey thanks for the quick reply! I had done some reading and seen that some breeders raised temps to 100 or near, so I wasn't tooooo worried but I felt it best to ask. And he is stalking crix atm so all seems well. As like my other habit(T's/scorps), I see my collection growing in the near future. I'll be going to 10gal tanks. Although, the plastic bins seem like an easy way to go. Again, thank you so much for taking the time to respond.


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