Heating up my tank



Ok, I installed a UTH that covers nearly 1/2 of the tank. I've had it running overnight. I was hoping to only need to use the UTH as the only heat source. I'm having my doubts that it's going to be enough alone. The air temp is only up to about 65-67 degrees after running the UTH all night (I even put a towel over the screen lid to help trap some of the heat in the tank to help) I'm hoping to get my leo today, but i need my tank to be warm enough before doing so. I guess I'm going to need to get a heat lamp too.

I was going to get a basic on/off thermostat for the UTH, but now I'm thinking if I need to use a heat lamp, that I should go ahead and get a proportional thermostat since I'll have a heat lamp running. Any thoughts on this? I'm happy to hear any and all advice.



New Member
North Haven, CT
Yeah check the floor temps, also what substrate are you using? I'm using play sand as a base for tile and the sand was a little damp which prevented it from conducting heat. As soon as I got the sand dry, my UTH keeps the floor on the hot side at 92.

I need to get an infrared heat lamp for the cool side, 50W got the cool side up to 75. It's hard to keep those temps up in the winter!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Some people say the ambient (air) temperature is important, some people disagree. Check the floor temps to see if you need to do anything about the UTH. For raising the air temp you could use a ceramic heat emitter or a red bulb designed to produce more heat than light. I have one of those on my day gecko cage in the winter and just keep it on all the time.



New Member
Sacramento, CA
In the summer/spring, the UTH is enough for my tanks. When it started getting cold, I added a 50 watt infrared lamp on top of the screen more toward the middle. I only leave the lamp on during day though and leave the UTH on 24/7. I also had a plexiglass piece cut to fit half the screen top when the weather started to cool. It helps keep the ambient temps up. Make sure you tape/lay your thermo probe on the substrate. I only hook the UTH to the thermostats so I can turn off the lamps as needed.


What are the floor temps?

I have a probe on the floor and it's holding at about 90 degrees, but that's with a red 100w heat lamp hanging above the tank too. It starts to drop down into the 80's if I turn the heat lamp off. The cool side thermometer (stuck on the cool sides wall) reads about 75 degrees pretty constantly.

My house has a temp of about 65-68 degrees in the winter, so I guess I'm not completely surprised I need a heat lamp to keep the temperatures up.

I'm tempted to turn the heat lamp off at night, but I'm worried the temps will drop too much. How cool is acceptable at night on the warm side of the tank? I left the lamp on last night for fear it may get too chilly for my baby leo.

Yeah check the floor temps, also what substrate are you using? I'm using play sand as a base for tile and the sand was a little damp which prevented it from conducting heat. As soon as I got the sand dry, my UTH keeps the floor on the hot side at 92.

My substrate for now is simply paper towels. I put a baby gecko in yesterday. He/She is spending most of his/her time in a hide located on the cool side which could mean he/she is comfortable with the temp of the tank and is enjoying his/her hide, or he/she is still adapting to his/her new environment and just wants some privacy (at least those are my guesses).


Ok, so my floor temp with just the uth is around 90-92 degrees (is this warm enough?) I have the exoterra 18x18...which came with a light hood. I put 2 moonglow bulbs in it since I don't really need uv light. The moon bulbs seem to help a tad bit with evening temps. The cool side (air) temp is holding at around 70 degrees or so.

Do these temps sound good? I have a heat lamp I can run during the day with the UTH if needed.


JK Herp
1/2 of the tanks is a big UTH. If you can I would recommend to get a smaller one.


JK Herp
Ok, so my floor temp with just the uth is around 90-92 degrees (is this warm enough?) I have the exoterra 18x18...which came with a light hood. I put 2 moonglow bulbs in it since I don't really need uv light. The moon bulbs seem to help a tad bit with evening temps. The cool side (air) temp is holding at around 70 degrees or so.

Do these temps sound good? I have a heat lamp I can run during the day with the UTH if needed.

Yes that is perfect temperatures. :main_yes:


1/2 of the tanks is a big UTH. If you can I would recommend to get a smaller one.

Why go smaller? So far everyone has suggested that the UTH cover 1/3 to 1/2 of the tank?

The leo has been in his new home for almost a week now and so far he spends his time in his cool hide. He sometimes lays on the warm side next to a hide of fake tall rocks (on the outside of the rock/hide). He seems to like both sides just fine right now.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
Covering half the tank with the heat pad is just fine, in a tank that size there is still plenty of room to establish a good thermal gradient, and overheating is clearly not an issue. 90 is not really warm enough for the hot side, 95-98 is preferable.

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