Hello Everyone, new here with pics :)


New Member
Hello everyone! New here on the gecko forums.

Use to be a beardie owner and I am now about to dive into the leopard gecko world. I have been doing a lot of research in preparation of the upcoming arrival.

Should have one in about a week or two.
Let me know what you think of my enclosure so far :)
I know it needs another hide and I have yet to get a UTH.

20g Long.

aerial shot





I do have a temperature gun, the stick on is just there to be there I guess lol.

Hope to make some friends and learn a lot from this forum!


Well hello there welcome to the GF this is a great site alot of info on leos and helpful people on this site. so come on in and join us. :)


New Member
Thanks for welcoming me! I'm going to the store to get a hide and uth today. Does everyone use a thermostat to regulate the temp of the uth? I figured Id try it out and see what the temps are like first before I go and get my leopard gecko this week :0)


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Thanks for welcoming me! I'm going to the store to get a hide and uth today. Does everyone use a thermostat to regulate the temp of the uth? I figured Id try it out and see what the temps are like first before I go and get my leopard gecko this week :0)

I have pretty much found that if using ceramic tile as a substrate, the temps reach the low 90's without a thermostat if using a zoo-med 1-5 gallon UTH in a 10 gallon tank or a 10-20 gallon UTH in a 20 long.



New Member
Northeast USA
Welcome to geckoforums. Nice tank stand, I have the same one. Your tank setup looks really nice so far. If the UTH is the right size for your tank it should be fine, just check that the cost of shipping doesn't make it more expensive than at the local stores.
Have you thought of what leo morph you'll be getting?


New Member
Thanks BGalloway! Not exactly sure what morph I will be getting. I am dealing with a local exotic pet shop and they will let me know what they have available when I'm ready to pick!

I had to surrender my bearded dragon to them because of a fire that resulted from a basking lamp. The girlfriend didn't feel safe with him in the house anymore, and I didn't feel comfortable with putting him outside. It would have been unfair for him and selfish of me to do so. So, I decided on the wonderful Leopard geckos. The exotic pet dealer gave me a credit for surrendering my beardie to them and they are keeping him as the shops pet :)

I was debating on maybe getting two common leopard geckos, or maybe something a like a high colored orange, or tangerine. Not sure yet. But, the girlfriend already stated she was not a fan of the albinos so we wont be getting one of those.

Thanks for your help again :)
I will keep every one posted!
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New Member
Thanks BGalloway! Not exactly sure what morph I will be getting. I am dealing with a local exotic pet shop and they will let me know what they have available when I'm ready to pick!

I had to surrender my bearded dragon to them because of a fire that resulted from a basking lamp. The girlfriend didn't feel safe with him in the house anymore, and I didn't feel comfortable with putting him outside. It would have been unfair for him and selfish of me to do so.

So, I decided on the wonderful Leopard geckos. The exotic pet dealer gave me a credit for surrendering my beardie to them and they are keeping him as the shops pet :)
I was debating on maybe getting two common leopard geckos, or maybe something a like a high colored orange, or tangerine. Not sure yet. But, the girlfriend already stated she was not a fan of the albinos so we wont be getting one of those.

Thanks for your help again :)
I will keep every one posted!


S/H Tangerine carrot tail
Thanks for welcoming me! I'm going to the store to get a hide and uth today. Does everyone use a thermostat to regulate the temp of the uth? I figured Id try it out and see what the temps are like first before I go and get my leopard gecko this week :0)
Hi and welcome to GF.

Your tank looks Ace and loads of room.:main_thumbsup:
I use a thermostat and usually have the heat between 72-80 (26) and and the hygormeter goes from 40-60 and at night when i put the crickets in before turning the main light off for the lamp to come on i spray luke warm water inside especially on the artifical tree's as they like to think they're in the dessert and love to take the droplets of water that fall.

I've only had Blaze a month and already she's shred her skin.


New Member
I just made a new thread in the "show off your Leo's" section...

I figured I would keep everyone updated who has commented for me here.

I was able to Pick up my Very first leopard gecko yesterday!!!
Here are some pics :0)







and an update of the Viv. Please excuse the silver flex tape.



S/H Tangerine carrot tail
Just love your leo, my two i had a while back was males and exactley the same as what you've choosen and the colour's are great when they shred their skin, they seem to get more colourful.

I bet your well chuffed now.

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