Hello everyone!


New Member
Hey all, my name is Julee. I am 14, been keeping geckos since I was seven, starting with leopard geckos, about a year ago I picked up some cresties. I now have six leopard geckos and four crested geckos, and as a Christmas present I will be recieving a beardie set up, with one of those impulsive bought holiday beardies being discarded a few weeks after, because I am way into animal rescue. I also have two black labs, four cats, a RES, and about eh, 300-400 fish. I do rescue work for mainly fish out of my house, and a little bit of reptile. I also volunteer at an animal shelter on the weekends.

I will be breeding leos and cresties, but I want to add fat tails, mournings and gargs to my list. I'm sure at some point I'll set up for other species too, I really love day geckos.


New Member
Welcome! Do you have any pictures of your animals that you would like to share?

Have fun with the beardie! I rescued my beardie, too, and it has been such a great experience. They are the sweetest little things. :D

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