Hello Everyone


New Member
Northampton, MA
I am new to this forum. I am new to owning Gekos as well. Although I am not new to owning reptiles. I have owned snakes mostly throughout my adult life. Today a friend called and asked if I could rescue 2 Gekos, as someone had them and they were being neglected and need of a loving home. One of them was missing a tail, and were malnourished, in not great shaped.
Well, of course this played on my heart strings, so of course I said that I would take them rather then keep them in the same home that they were living in.

So here I am, I have come to this forum to introduce myself and I am sure that I will be asking a lot of questions, I hope that no one minds too much. I am not afraid of having them, they are truly not in great shape. I did go out and immediately get some crickets and fed them both, and did not want to overfeed them so I only gave them about 10 crickets (medium size) and within an hour they were gone. The skinnier one without the tail did eat most of them, and did start to perk up a bit. So, I assume they had not been fed in quite some time.

I will be getting some meal worms and wax worms tomorrow, I just could not find them locally today. Any adivse would be greatly appreciated. I do not want to write a book here as this is just supposed to be an introduction, I will look around the forum and find the right places to ask my more specific questions.

Please feel free to message me here or privately.
Thanks so much.
Be well


I <3 Mu Mu!!
What is their set-up? How big? Temperature? Do they have a heat mat? Have you looked up their care? Are they seperate or together? I also doubt you should worry about if they are overfed or not because they are malnourished. Did you supplement the feeders?


New Member
Northampton, MA
Thanks for responding. Tonight they are in a 10 gallon tank. With a heater under one side of the tank, I have papertowels down, and they have one wooden hiding place on the heat side and one on the cool side. Over the weekend I will be moving them into a 50 gallon tank, since I happen to have one, I just want to sterilize it first.

Since I do not know the age of these Geckos, and I have read the whole conservatory about what to use as a substrate, any suggestions on this forefront?

When I go out to get the mealworms and waxworms tomorrow I will get some calcium or t-rex to coat the crickets or to place in the water for the geckos.
They are in the tank together, they do get along quite well.

I have been trying to read up on sexing these geckos, and it seems rather simple, yet for the one with no tail it seems rather difficult. Would it be best to try and take some pictures and post them? To show their condition and I think they are just plain leopard geckos, and one does have a larger head than the other.

Again thank you so much for answering so quickly.
Be well


I <3 Mu Mu!!
Paper towels are a great substrate but I'd rather have tiles because they are reuseable
and cheaper( you don't have to keep rebuying). I don't reccomend you putting the calcium in the water. You can put a calcium dish in their home. Also, don't forget to supplement calcium with and without d3 and multivitamin.

ace bomer

geckos rule
may i recommend reptile carpet. i use it in my leo cage, buy 2 of them and when its time to clean. take one out and replace it with the other one and thoroughly rinse the dirty one with a kitchen hose with hot water on both sides

touch 13

Kitchener, Ontario
Welcome Lori!
Things seem to be well on track. A little something i can add in, is that it's great your supplying a variety in feeders and wax worms are great to kick your pet back into his or her eating routine but they are addicting.

They're lots of great articles regarding leo's on these forums, probably more leo than anything else:p There will be tons of people who will not only want to but also enjoy helping. Don't be timid to ask questions, use the "search" under the tool bar for anything you may need if you can't find answers.

Lee Carpenter.

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