Hello Everyone!


New Member
Canada, NB, Saint John
Hello everyone,

My name is Ailana. (Pronounced: A-Lawn-A)
I am from Canada, New Brunswick and live in a small city called Saint John.
(Is there any other members who live in the same area as me?)

I have never owned a reptile and have zero experience with leopard geckos.
I do however have experience with fish. I also have two budgies (small birds from the parrot family) named Love and Keisha. (Love is white while Keisha is blue.)

At the moment I have a ten gallon tank with two angelfish. My angelfish are outgrowing their tank. My boyfriend does not want a bigger fish tank (with limited space in our apartment plus it would cost a couple of hundred dollars..) and I simply can not be happy having a fish aquarium that small. (Plus it's unfair to my angelfish.) I decided it would be best to stop keeping fish for awhile. I'm searching for a good home for my angelfish. One is a leopard angelfish and the other is a black angelfish.

I always loved lepoard geckos. Having never owned one but ever since one of my friends had bought one a couple of years back I fell in love. The leopard gecko only stayed with my friend for a couple of months because it was very aggressive towards her and she was terrified of it. She traded it for another gecko (I can't remember the species...) and I remember being upset and never did like her new gecko. I thought it was ugly. lol She doesn't have any geckos now.

I was hoping once I removed my angelfish and everything in the aquarium then I could set it up for a leopard gecko tank. Of course I have lots of research to do and I'm not getting one until after Christmas. I figured I might as well start researching now.

I am hoping to make new friends on this site and learn how to be a responsible leopard gecko owner. I take owning a pet very seriously and do my best to provide and care for my animals.


Active Member
Southern Illinois
Welcome! :D

That's how I got into leopard geckos: I had ordered an expensive tube aquarium online, but it arrived broken. I was allowed to keep it when I got my free replacement tank, and since I couldn't put water in it, I pondered what else might live in there. First I thought of turtles; then I would only need to fill it like 1/3 with water, before the crack starts. But I read that turtles only eat part of their food and leave rotting prey lying around, arghh!! Not in my house (tank was in my kitchen). So I decided to get 2 leopard geckos!!! Four years later, I had about 300 :main_yes: I still have ONE angel fish....

Good luck finding a new home for yours, and getting a nice leo! There are people from Canada on here. I hope they find your post. Not everyone reads the Introduction section, but once you post under "Show off your geckos," you'll get lots of comments :main_yes:


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