Hello from BC Canada



Hello to all. I'm looking forward to adventures with my new little leos.
We have an old aquarium (several actually), that after springing a leak many years ago, has been used as a terrarium for tropical plants. I decided it was time for a change, and to learn something new. So after much scrubbing, cleaning and rearranging, Benny and Joon moved in a few days ago. So far, so good.
I've attached some pics (hopefully it worked), and I'm hoping one of you gurus out there can tell me just what these little guys are specifically.

Many thanks - Tracy


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Welcome to GeckoForums, Tracy! You have a Tremper albino and a Hypo who needs to be fattened up. I would really recommend keeping them in separate tanks. Males and females should not be housed together until they are big/old enough to breed (50g+/1yr old) because they will try to breed. Females that become gravid too young run many health risks including death. Aside from the mating aspect, only similarly sized geckos should be housed together so it's better to have a thin gecko housed alone to gain weight.


New Member
Welcome to GeckoForums, Tracy! You have a Tremper albino and a Hypo who needs to be fattened up. I would really recommend keeping them in separate tanks. Males and females should not be housed together until they are big/old enough to breed (50g+/1yr old) because they will try to breed. Females that become gravid too young run many health risks including death. Aside from the mating aspect, only similarly sized geckos should be housed together so it's better to have a thin gecko housed alone to gain weight.

+1 :main_thumbsup: and welcome to GF


Welcome to GeckoForums, Tracy! You have a Tremper albino and a Hypo who needs to be fattened up. I would really recommend keeping them in separate tanks. Males and females should not be housed together until they are big/old enough to breed (50g+/1yr old) because they will try to breed. Females that become gravid too young run many health risks including death. Aside from the mating aspect, only similarly sized geckos should be housed together so it's better to have a thin gecko housed alone to gain weight.

Ahh... I was wondering about separate tanks for them, as the little hypo hasn't started eating yet (it's been 4 days so far). They were sold to me as 2 probable females, (despite the names my daughter chose for them), though I haven't picked them up yet to verify, but there is a definite size difference between the 2.

I'm hoping it won't stress her out too much if I move her into another home? I can do that today. Do you have any suggestions for fattening her up? I've been using meal worms so far, but she's not yet taken to eating anything.

Thanks so much for your help.
Cheers - Tracy


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
It'll be less stressful to switch her into a new tank now so I'g go ahead and do it. It can take a little while for a gecko to start eating in a new environment but I would try offering crickets. They're more exciting to hunt so it's usually easier to get them to eat them. I could be wrong but I thought I saw boy bulges on your Tremper.


Thanks Mel! I've moved the Tremper to a new home, as (s)he was the easiest to catch. I had a quick look at it, and you may be right about those bulges, though there are no visible vent sacs yet. I'll pick up some crickets tomorrow to see if that helps the other one to start eating.

Thanks again, I really appreciate your help. This forum is a wonderful powerhouse of information, but I'm sure I'm going to have a gazillion more questions as days go by.

Cheers - Tracy


Gecko Obsessed
Little Rock, AR
Hi and welcome! Congrats on your new geckos! Good luck with them - hopefully the Hypo will settle in enough to start eating well and will put on some weight.

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