Hello from Canukida


Mel's Exotics
Winnipeg, MB
I'm a Canukian breeder who's looking to get into fat tail skinks in the near future. So I figured I should find a forum and learn everything I can now.

About me: I'm in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. I breed Blue Tongue Skinks. I've worked at the Humane Society and a small reptile store. I'm on the Board of Directors for the Manitoba Herpetocultral Society, and I'm a Moderator on bluetongueskinks.net. So I come here with about 10 years of experience with herps, and a major addiction.

I have 15 adult BTS living with me, 2 yearlings, and 29 babies. Possibly more when I get home today. I also have 2 monkey tail skinks (need a male!), a partially-blind old leopard gecko and a young dumeril boa. My cali king is on breeding loan, as is one of my adult BTS. Some of the adults I have with me are on breeding loans from other owners.

I'm moving into my own place soon, and will have more space for herps. Fat tails are something I've been planning for a while, but will finally have space for. I aim to collect and breed animals that make excellent pets, and some rarer species as well. I believe fat tails to fall into the first group; the personalities and those big eyes won me over right away.

I'm here to learn:
- Housing, care and eventual breeding of fat tail geckos. I'm interested in all thoughts and opinions here. I know quite a bit about the housing and care, but have not bothered looking into breeding yet.
- Are there many fat tail enthusiasts in Canada? Who's breeding what here?
- What morphs exist. I love that fat tails are showing up in various new looks.
- I would like to have a decent breeding group (really, a few small groups), and I am looking for help deciding what to get, what to spend, where to buy from and what to produce. Keep in mind my goal is to produce healthy pets in attractive colours/patterns, not high-end money-making morphs.

I am in no rush, I'm here to learn.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GU. I have a small group of 2.4 fat tails (of which 2-3 females actually produce) but nothing really rare. I enjoy them and find the babies to be really cute. Can't tell you much about Canadian breeders but I"m sure someone will chime in soon.


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