Hello from Chicago.



I hate to start out my hello on a sad note, but I recently lost my nearly 12-year-old bearded dragon that I have owned from January 3, 1998 to November 2nd, 2009.

On November 14th, I went to the local reptile expo and bought a new bearded dragon hatchling and 2 leopard geckos.

Reptiles have always intrigued me since my brother in law found a leopard gecko that escaped a breeding facility next door to his work. I brought the gecko to a pet shop and asked them what to feed it, they said, “crickets would be fine.” They never mentioned calcium or vitamins. It developed paralysis in its rear legs and eventually died. I bought another one and it also developed paralysis so I brought it to a herpetologist and he explained how they need calcium and vitamins and sadly I had to have that gecko euthanized. He also sold me a book on reptiles. After reading the book I saw a bearded dragon at a pet shop and thought it was the coolest damn thing I had ever seen, so I eventually bought one and he lived nearly 12 years. I will NEVER forget him.


Welcome Wagon


I hate to start out my hello on a sad note, but I recently lost my nearly 12-year-old bearded dragon that I have owned from January 3, 1998 to November 2nd, 2009.

On November 14th, I went to the local reptile expo and bought a new bearded dragon hatchling and 2 leopard geckos.

Reptiles have always intrigued me since my brother in law found a leopard gecko that escaped a breeding facility next door to his work. I brought the gecko to a pet shop and asked them what to feed it, they said, “crickets would be fine.” They never mentioned calcium or vitamins. It developed paralysis in its rear legs and eventually died. I bought another one and it also developed paralysis so I brought it to a herpetologist and he explained how they need calcium and vitamins and sadly I had to have that gecko euthanized. He also sold me a book on reptiles. After reading the book I saw a bearded dragon at a pet shop and thought it was the coolest damn thing I had ever seen, so I eventually bought one and he lived nearly 12 years. I will NEVER forget him.

Welcome Chicago.
Good forum.
Lots of reptile knowledge around.
Yeah, sad times when our buddies pass.
Probably you will find many persons here
have had those sad moments too.
Including me, with my Leopard Gecko bud Conan.
The more hands on time, the harder it is.
But we start again.
Sorry for your loss.
You take care. HJ


New Member
Oregon, IL
Fellow Illinoyan! Welcome to the forums. There are a lot of great people here with a wealth of knowledge. And we all love our animals. I feel for you. Losing a long time pet is hard. That being said, congrats on the new additions :)


Yep, it was the one in Wheaton. My Neice was with me when I went there and she fell in love with a crestd gecko that she held, so, i'm going to have to get her one on her birthday which is great because I think they are really cool.

She currently has 3 fire bellied toads that she loves.

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