Hey everyone. I am new to geckos and to this site! Last night I went to ***** and got 2 leopard geckos. I was told they are too young to tell what gender they are (they said they were between 4-6 months old) but I am hoping for either 2 females or a male/female as I know two males will fight. I have a few questions and am not sure where exactly to post them so I hope that it is okay I post them here.
Are there any ways to tell their gender early? Or perhaps any helpful hints that will lead me to what gender they may be?
One of the geckos has shed on his tail still. I did spray it with some water but it got kind of jumpy so I didn't want to bother it any more. Should I just let him/her take care of it or should I aid in shedding?
Also, I just got them about 28 hours ago and have not yet tried to handle them or anything. I read that if you touch the stuff in their cage quite often they will get used to your scent, so I have been opening the cage about 3x a day (feeding, water change, and to mist their moist hide) and touching everything in it lol. Is this crazy or will it really help them get to know me? To be honest I am a little afraid to pick them up! I don't want to hurt them as they are so small and also I'm afraid to get bitten. I don't want to annoy them when they are still adjusting. How long should I wait before I try to handle them, or should I try it now?
Also.. lastly.. does it hurt when they bite? I have heard such different things... that it doesn't hurt at all, and that it hurts SO bad and they often draw blood when they bite. Can you guys give me your opinions? Have you ever been bitten? I know they are pretty docile and generally do not bite but I know that any animal, if annoyed, will bite.
Sorry if it's not okay to post questions in here but since I have a few very different questions I didn't want to post a whole bunch of threads... Thanks for anyone who replies!!!
Are there any ways to tell their gender early? Or perhaps any helpful hints that will lead me to what gender they may be?
One of the geckos has shed on his tail still. I did spray it with some water but it got kind of jumpy so I didn't want to bother it any more. Should I just let him/her take care of it or should I aid in shedding?
Also, I just got them about 28 hours ago and have not yet tried to handle them or anything. I read that if you touch the stuff in their cage quite often they will get used to your scent, so I have been opening the cage about 3x a day (feeding, water change, and to mist their moist hide) and touching everything in it lol. Is this crazy or will it really help them get to know me? To be honest I am a little afraid to pick them up! I don't want to hurt them as they are so small and also I'm afraid to get bitten. I don't want to annoy them when they are still adjusting. How long should I wait before I try to handle them, or should I try it now?
Also.. lastly.. does it hurt when they bite? I have heard such different things... that it doesn't hurt at all, and that it hurts SO bad and they often draw blood when they bite. Can you guys give me your opinions? Have you ever been bitten? I know they are pretty docile and generally do not bite but I know that any animal, if annoyed, will bite.
Sorry if it's not okay to post questions in here but since I have a few very different questions I didn't want to post a whole bunch of threads... Thanks for anyone who replies!!!