hello i'm new



Hello I'm a new owner of a leopard gecko and am just looking for friends willing to pass on good info for its care and feeding and everything else i might need to know..by the way its name is Pakie it has been fun watching it stalk its pray ..It seems to prefer mostly the mealworms more than the chricits. I was told i could feed it romaine lettucs, spinach , and small fruit is this true and does it absolutely have to have chricits if he gets mealworms..Pakies mom Kat:main_huh:


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
Welcome to GF.
It is not necessary to feed your leo fruits and veggies. They are insectavores, which means they really only eat insects; meal worms, crickets, superworms, wax worms, phoenix worms, horn worms, roaches.. etc. If done correctly, your feeders should be gutloaded (Fed) The veggies and calcium before they are offered as food for your leo.

Good luck!

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