Hey everyone! I used to peruse this site pretty heavily, frequently for the juvenile to adult photo threads and housing threads! I have a 14 month old RAPTOR female by the name of Nila. It is from the Tamil language (around India) ...though I can't remember what exactly it had meant, I know it relates to the moon. I figured, what better name for a middle eastern nocturnal animal! I have had Nila since she was about a month old but still hatchling size, as she came from a "breeder" who had gotten his hands too full and handed over his collection to the family owned pet store I work at. I have been in reptiles for years, mainly with Anoles and also one badass Alligator Lizard. Looking forward to getting to know everyone and eventually converting my paper towel substrate to tile!
Photo from shortly after I got her. Keep in mind I have very small hands!
Photo from shortly after I got her. Keep in mind I have very small hands!
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