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My name is Sherrilyn Kelly. I have a yellow fat tail gecko. He doesn’t have. He’s got spots on his tail, but I am wanting to know if a heating pad to the side of the tank with the thermostat is a good idea because he said shedding problems and he’s older, he’s a rescue. He had no tail when I first got him. His tail is grown back. Please advise on the heating pad to the side of a tank tank. Sits on wood and I don’t have the money to buy a cast-iron reptile tank. Please advise. I’m gonna put a post as well , he may be he may not be out


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Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome! I'm guessing that possibly your "yellow fat tail gecko" is actually leopard gecko. Some people call leopard geckos "fat tail geckos" because they store their fat in the tail. Do a google image search for "leopard gecko" and for "African fat tail gecko" and you'll see the difference. There's no need to get a cast iron cage. In my opinion, you could put a heating pad with a thermostat under the wood floor of the cage on the outside. If you're concerned with this, put a piece of plexiglass under the cage and stick the heating pad (with thermostat) on the bottom of the plexiglass (not between the plexiglass and the wood). Be sure to put some little tiles or pieces of wood (I use dominos) under each corner of the enclosure to vent the heat. It will be fine.


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