Hello! ^^

I have 2 leopard geckos and I'm getting a beardie in August! Both of my leopard geckos are female, one is 3 years old her name is Greg and another is jezabel I adopted her last month she has a part of her tail off and it looks like it was bitten off by other geckos maybe because she's so small. Their in separate tanks and recently have shown more interest in each other ^^ mostly my little spitfire jezabel wanting to eat Greg's large crickets.
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I got jezabel at pets smart and the lady giving me crickets for Greg started asking questions like who the 50 crickets were for, the lady didn't seem to have much knowledge about leopard geckos because she thought they didn't do much so I told her stories about Greg and how she likes to lay with me and watch tv. So she told me about a baby leopard gecko they have that they can't sell I think it was because of her tail, the lady pulled her out for me and holding her tightly like a snake that's ready to bite you know like pinching the head. I was able to get her from the lady for awhile but I was to afraid to push, I was to worried the lady wouldn't give me her if I criticized her. She was very skittish when I got her and tried biting me a lot I don't blame her, but now she's calmer (although still a spitfire) and her tail is growing back nicely, she had her first shed yesterday but wouldn't go in her moss to scrape it off.
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I'm sorry I'm sharing so much >< most people I meet don't like my geckos and don't think their as cute as I do
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New Member
Western MD
I applaud your efforts for saving little Jezabel, but there are always ways to talk to people and educate them WITHOUT criticizing. That being said, most of us here refuse to buy from chain pet stores because their animals are bred in facilities equivalent to puppy mills, with no regard to good breeding or health of the animals. Also, I have to scold you a bit on this one. You should NEVER let a new gecko anywhere near your previous ones without first quarantining the animal for no less than three months, and preferably getting a vet check as well as a fecal sample tested. They should preferably not even be housed in the same side of the house. And if you're thinking it could never happen to you, and your new baby looks healthy, please read up on what happened to poor Penelope. Her owner just lost her to Crypto. At this point, if Jezabel has anything, you've risked Greg's life.

Scolding aside, Greg is very beautiful and the baby has neat markings. I hope you continue to learn and grow in this site and use everyone's experience. Good luck to you sweetie, and welcome to the forum.
I'm really sorry! I didn't think there was anything wrong with her because I checked her for mites and she pooped on me the first day, her tail is growing back really nicely as well and I don't know if I should still get her checked I'm a bit worried now. Also their tanks are right next to each other and I was hoping they'd get along, also I got Greg from a chain pet store as well and i was wondering if you could give me more tips i may have had Greg for 3 years but there's so much I don't know. Thank you for helping me out!!!
OH! Is their any symptoms I need to look for in them? Both of their eating habits are normal they'll eat the crickets dusted in calcium, jezabel tends to eat a lot and if I feed Greg first she'll watch the large crickets hop around.
One thing has been strange though when I put my hand in Greg's tank to grab her so I can hold her and she raises herself high and wags her tail slowly, oddly enough when I grab her she becomes calm my mom thinks she's just jealous of jezabel but I'm worried!


New Member
Western MD
It's OK. It's not too late to separate them to quarantine. Jezabel is most likely a happy healthy gecko, but is it worth the chance?

I wouldn't put her together with Greg until they're both about the same size, especially with the interest Greg is showing. The tail wagging is a body language communication the leos use with one another. I've seen it even between my females. That being said, it's usually a sign of excitement or agitation. Are you 100% sure Greg is female? If not, you should be sure before putting them together. If you don't you could end up with eggs you haven't planned for, or a gravid female that's too small to pass her eggs and will become egg bound. Neither situation is a good one.

Let us know if there are any more questions you may have, get those cuties in separate rooms, and keep us updated on their progess! :)
Yes I believe she's female she doesn't have the v Shaped pores that my book say that indicates she's male either does jezabel but she's very young and she looks like she was probably the runt or I got her younger then I first got Greg.

I have another question! I'm sorry I keep asking but Greg has skin on her feet that I've never been able to get off and some of her toes don't have nails I've tries soaking her feet but she dose t like the water much and I've also put moss in her rock many times but it won't come off it doesn't seem to bother her but I don't want it on her anymore but I don't want to use a method that could hurt her and I feel awful every time I look at her feet because I can't seem to get it off.

Also jezabel went through her first shed (yay! I'm so proud) but she doesn't go into her little log that I put moss in to help get it off instead she rubs herself against the log, do I have too much moss I their or does she just not like it? There is so e left over shed skin on her toes so I soaked her toes for a bit as well and I tried to see if I could get a little off


New Member
Western MD
Mine prefer the coconut husk shavings in their hide. They use the moist hide all the time too. Not just when they're shedding. Try a cheap ziplock container with a little of that stuff in it.
I'll try it but it's not just a little on her toes it's like piled up and tight and I don't know what to do caz I've heard its painful trying to remove it from them


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Let her sit in about 1/2" of warm water in the sink. Then hold her in your lap (preferably with her head buried in your shirt) and use your nails to pull the shed off. Don't worry if there's a bit of bleeding. I does need to come off or she'll lose her toes.



Well-Known Member
Welcome to GT! Really sorry for the late hello, I've had problems with shed on the feet before and its a good thing you brought it up because it is certainly not going to go away if you just leave it. Shed that gets stuck on the hands,feet, or anal area will often dry up and begin to form around it and become cloggy. If shed stays on the feet too long it will start to suffocate the foot and it will eventually lose blood circulation causing toes to fall off. How many days has the shed been on the leopard gecko, and If you don't already get some tweezers ( Or you can use your finger if you are gentle enough and precise ) after letting the gecko walk around in some water that is only up to its stomach. Make sure the water is warm, and if that doesnt work I would recommend going to pets mart and looking for some Shed off water mixtures in the Reptile area. Last month I bought some Shed formula that you add to the water which helps the shed come off, Non toxic and is really effective for only around 7$ with a big bottle. I hope your gecko feels better.
Thank you! Honestly I don't know how long it was on there, she seems ok thankfully but she's still angry at me I don't blame her. I gave her some crickets and she went into her warm rock, I'm going to keep extra close eye on her incase of anything but I think she's ok


Well-Known Member
Thank you! Honestly I don't know how long it was on there, she seems ok thankfully but she's still angry at me I don't blame her. I gave her some crickets and she went into her warm rock, I'm going to keep extra close eye on her incase of anything but I think she's ok
Yeah, I had a leopard gecko who had just a small bit form on his toe which ended up causing it to fall off. I honestly don't know how they survive in the wild if they can't get the stuff off. Shed is really dangerous and can cause a number of problems if left on, So ever since then I have never taken it lightly and always watched out for when they are about to shed and taken precautions by misting the humid hide a bit or giving them small warm water baths after. If you don't already have a humid hide it's really simple to make, Take a mini hut or small enclosure item for reptiles or some thing that does not have pointy edges or really heavy weight to crush a gecko and put it in a corner of the enclosure. If you go to petsmart they have things like coconut huts which are perfect because they have a good sized opening, If you use a sunlight dome or a heat pad, make sure the humid hide is not as close to the heat ( Not saying it should be baron and cold, But if your enclosure is like 85 on one side, Make sure this one is like 77-80ish. A enclosure should never go under 73F at any time. Sorry to spam you with all this, Shed is a big deal that many people do not care about until its too late. I hope you get the shed off your gecko :)
It's ok I understand Ill be much more careful from now on and I'll watch, jezabel had her first shed but she doesn't want to use the moss and she kept rubbing herself against the rough log to get it of but there was some left on her toes to I soaked her feet (she doesn't like it either) and picked at it a bit to see if it would come off, I have to re-check her toes today I know he's been pooping and her tail is thicking out (she has a corner were Greg just kinda spreads it around) and her tail has grown back to the point it looks almost like a regular tail

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