

New Member
I am new to Leos, as I just got my first two today. I had a three year old Bearded Dragon and traded him to a pet store for a pair. So far I like them a ton better than the Dragon. I've been browsing through the site looking for info, but one thing I haven't found is something like a list/pix section saying what all the different morphs/eye meanings/etc are. You all use a bunch of words for the types and looks, but I'm having trouble keeping up with what they mean, is there a thread I can look at to help?

Here are my two, I will take some better pix later today and put them up. can you tell me what they are? Female has red eyes, male has cat eye-look.

I'll keep digging through the site learning what I can and if there are any threads/sites anyone thinks might be good for me it would be appreciated. Thanks.


Active Member
Southern Illinois
The right one (Tremper Albino; the brown-yellow one) looks healthy. You should separate it immediately from the other one. The Mack Snow has a very thin tail, which MIGHT suggest a parasite load. Keep him in this tank; everything he has touched and eaten/drunken off can be contaminated already. As soon as he poops, take a poop sample to the vet (not the whole gecko; just ask for a "fecal stain"; it should amount to about 16 dollars. Don't get an exam yet. You can do that when the fecal stain comes back positive! Exams are between 56-75 dollars, depending on vet and location.)

Just to be on the safe side... If he's sick, use your warranty and return him to the pet store and get a healthy one from a breeder. This way, you safe yourself the money for an exam and can get a gecko with a thick tail from a breeder. Also, if he turns out to have parasites, the other one might have them already, too, if they were kept together. Just make sure you get a vet diagnosis before your warranty is over (usually, it's about 14 days).

Good luck! Hope they are okay, at least the Tremper! They both have nice patterns. Don't forget that new geckos ALWAYS have to be quarantined for 1-3 months. Also, read up about sand as a substrate. You might get some suggestions on here what else to use.



New Member
Very cute but yeah, the one of the left doesn't look very healthy. Were they in the same enclosure at the store? I'd get ride of the sand too.


New Member
They were a pair, in the same cage when I got them. I wondered about the tail, but he acts fine, is very active and doesn't act funny at all. I'll keep an eye on him. As for sand, it's not sand it's crushed walnut (pet store gave it to me with them) and I'm working on making them a better cage anyway, this just works until I get it done.


New Member
north east ohio
no offense bro, but MOST of the people on this forum REALLY know their stuff...so if you come on here wanting advise, and are given advise...then say,"he acts fine...this works untill i get it done"..??? i would suggest seperating them, so the smaller on can get some food, plus if they eat that bedding, they WILL get impacted, so if you cant afford other safe bedding, i would put them on paper towels or newspaper for now. i am really not trying to be a penn~is here, but take the advise you are given. we only want to help you and help your animals...just sayin'.


New Member
They were a pair, in the same cage when I got them. I wondered about the tail, but he acts fine, is very active and doesn't act funny at all. I'll keep an eye on him. As for sand, it's not sand it's crushed walnut (pet store gave it to me with them) and I'm working on making them a better cage anyway, this just works until I get it done.

The walnut is even worse. You should get rid of it immediately. And of course they sold it to you. They want your money.


New Member
north east ohio
...and all due respect, most pet stored dont know their *sses from a hole in the ground when it comes to the animals they sell, seriously...especially the bigger chain stores like petco and petsmart...they sell them, and that is all they care about. once you keep reptiles for a while, when you walk into 90% of petstores you will get sick to your stomach! i WONT even go into a pet store unless it is for dogfood! they think ALL snakes require the same care, and the same for all lizards...this is just not true. i buy all of my supplies, feeders, and tools from expos or from reputable online dealers. i would suggest only buying animals from breeders also. this way you KNOW your animals history and know it has been taken care of its whole life, if you get it from a good breeder.


New Member
I never said I wasn't going to take the advice?? I can afford what I need, like I said I'm building another cage. This is setup this way because that's what they gave me. I'll buy some mealworms and feed them on a plate to keep them from eating the sub until I get the new one done. I don't think our local vet deals with these so I don't have much option on that one.

I got these as a trade, so I spent no money at all on them. The dragon I traded them was free to me, so I have zero invested. Now I can invest in them what I need. what's good for them to walk on, they won't get stuck to that reptile carpet stuff?

They both pooped today, so I don't know which is which. What other options would I have for the test if we have nowhere local to have it done?
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New Member
I never said I wasn't going to take the advice?? I can afford what I need, like I said I'm building another cage. This is setup this way because that's what they gave me. I'll buy some mealworms and feed them on a plate to keep them from eating the sub until I get the new one done. I don't think our local vet deals with these so I don't have much option on that one.

Don't take it personally... nothing seems to get gecko-keepers hot under the collar like the good old "substrate debate". The long and sort of it is that *most* people on the forum will agree that *all* loose substrates are bad. My vet (a reptile specialist) said much the same thing... that with loose substrates it's only a matter of time before impaction happens. I would suggest that you move them to paper towels (cheap, easy, safe--what more could you ask for?).

As for the fecal exam... I believe there may be some places on the internet where you can send a sample to be tested. However, I do not have any personal experience with these and I do not know how reputable they are. There are also places selling DIY fecal test kits... but again I do not have personal experience with any of this.

My suggestion would be to try and find a reptile vet in your area (even if its a bit of a drive). If you tell us roughly where you are located someone may be able to recommend one. The other option, I suppose, is that you could call a reptile vet and ask if they would test the sample if you mailed it to them...


New Member
I live near St. Joseph, MO. I got some stuff today that should please everyone. :) Pics soon..


New Member
Nice, they'll love the slate tile. I would let it warm up a bit before tossing your leos back in, as the tile can be pretty darn cold :)


New Member
Milford, Michigan
From what you described (the red eyes) and the amount of white on the gecko to right, I'd have to say that it is a Banded Raptor. :) It looks pretty healthy too!

what's good for them to walk on, they won't get stuck to that reptile carpet stuff?

I'd either go with paper towels or some type of natural tiles from your local department store.

I didn't notice the second page, silly me :p


New Member
I already bought some tiles,, pix are above your post. I tried to get a pic of her eyes, but couldn't get the red to show. I don't think there is any other color in them.

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