At the Havre de Grace show, A friend gave me a hatchling Snow Corn because it had only eaten 4 times its whole life(with alot of work). Not sure its age but its tiny and doesn't look too good. I tryed to brain a pinky no luck, I cut the head off the pink no luck. So now I am at a loss. Any tips on getting it to eat would be great as I am a Gecko/beardie person and I have some Ball Python. Which I have had manyn hatchling and a few trouble eaters. But I did rescue for years on almost every animal/reptile poss. Alittle info Its a baby Snow and its smaller than a no 2 pencil and on the bellyside I can see his organs, hes like seethru. Any help would be appreciated. Because I do not think he has much more time. Pics coming soon. Deb