Help! Flying Gecko doesn't seem to be eating!



I bought a flying gecko about 4 weeks ago at a herp show. He was fat, alert, and the guy said he was a good eater and a great species for a beginer. I was told it would readily eat live crickets. The gecko is about 6" long and now being kept in a 22 gal tall aquarium in a room where the temp ranges in the 80's. He has a grow-light on during the day, gets daily misting, and has plenty of cover. But I have NEVER seen him eat or even show an interest in his food. I've tried camel crickits, grasshoppers, and regular crickets of all sizes. They will crawl over or beside his head and he doesn't even flinch. Today I noticed his ribs seem to be starting to stick out and when I picked him up he barely struggled--whereas when I first got him he would run off to hide if you even so much as looked at him. My poor gecko seems to be slipping away in front of my very eyes even though his room is crawling with food.

Help! What am I doing wrong here??


EDIT: Here are some pictures of him taken today




Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Ive never had one but looked into them a few times, here are my suggestions just based on what Ive read

Cage temps day time a gradient from 78-86 (A basking area of 86 on one side and cool spot of 78 onthe other) at night a drop to 72-80 (hot spot of 80, cool of 72). If he is in the 80's and not getting to his basking of 86 he will be less likely to eat.

High humidity, 2 or 3 mistings a dayand a large water bowl will help with that.

The cage needs to be well ventalated as well, a glass tank is OK if it has a screen lid.

A grow light is not full spectrum, you need a UVB

A lot of the flying geckos are wild caught, he probably needs a fecal.

If you can get in contact with the seller, find out if he is wild caught and if they treated him for parasties, what cage set up they had.

It does take them a few days to get used to a new home but 4 weeks is a long time.

I hope that helps some, maybe someone that actually has some can help you more.


Not sure about the temperture range on these, but maybe you should look and see how warm they actually like it. Some of these occur far enough south that they might even like a basking spot of 90. MAke sure you look into this as I don't keep these and am just useing these numbers as a "example".

Are you keeping it humid? I do know they like it humid. I know you said you spray, but does it stay humid.

Another thing is the species you typically see in the pet trade live on the edges of the disturbed forests or secondary. So they probably can bask during the day.
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I just recently had a flying gecko... Mine wasn't eating either, temps/hudity were within proper ranges, lots of stuff to clilmb on etc... anyways, He ended up passing away after about 1 1/2 weeks. From what i have read you may want to get him checked for parasites. They can be very tricky until they get settled in. I believe in my case I was jsut unlucky and got an un healthy gecko. Hopefully yours does better... Just leave him alone as much as possible to reduce stress and make sure food is available. I have heard that sometimes a small amount of fruit baby food will get there apetite back up if you can get him to take that in.

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