
Hi all. I'm a new user to the site and a new owner of Leopard Geckoes...Went to the store with the intention of looking only/gathering information and ended up coming home with new pets after being coaxed by my son the birthday-boy. After reading up both in purchased books and online, I've come to the conclusion that the information I was provided with by the clerk may not have been correct. First off, I have a 60 gallon tank. For heating, I have two heat stones (not good, I know and will be replacing them with an under the tank heater tomorrow). Also, it was suggested and I did buy a light fixture to hang above the tank to provide heat..I'm quite confused because from what I've read, these are nocturnal reptiles and will not be basking in the sun so why the need for this light? Also, it was recommended that the light stay on at all times, so how would the gecko be able to recognize day from night? Would it be ok for me to turn off the light tonight and let them use the rocks for heat until I can buy an under the tank heater tomorrow?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Most people, as you're realizing, use under tank heaters (UTH) for heat rather than lights (though there are some people that do a sun imitation and use lights). You're right, that there's really no need at all for lights unless they are in a room that is pitch black day and night. My geckos are in the living room and dining room. There is natural lighting during the day and at night, the room lights are on when I'm using the room and off when I go to bed. The problem with the heat rocks is that the geckos can burn themselves. If you have to use them temporarily, get a thermostat or rheostat so they're not too hot (low to mid 90's is OK). You will likely need a thermostat or rheostat with the UTH as well. Feel free to ask more questions as needed.

Welcome to GF.



Thanks for the reply!

So, for tonight should I turn off the heat light and assume the geckoes will use the rocks for heat? I will be buying the UTH and thermostat or rheostat tomorrow along with thermometers to monitor heat for both sides of the tank. Any other items you would recommend? I have hides, plants/driftwood for decorations/hiding, two shallow water dishes (one small and one larger as I have read some leos actually like to bathe???) I did have one feeding rock to put the crickets in but I'm seriously thinking of getting a feeding bowl and switcing to worms because the crickets are using the rock cords as ladders. They are getting out and we keep finding the odd one on the floor....not fun!!!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
You want to measure the temp on the hot side, so the best place to put the probe is on the floor on the hot side.


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