Help! (jumpy and intolerant to handling)


New Member
Hi so I've had my leopard gecko for about a year now and she would always climb on my hand and crawl onto her coconut to get let out and liked being handled and petted but recently since I got my new crested gecko a few months ago she would constantly be wanting out when I'm holding it and watching while I tend to it but now she is always hiding and not wanting to come out or even wanting me to touch her she still eats and poops but just is way more jumpy and non tolerable to handling idk what has happened to her


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Sometimes I find they just start acting different. I've seen it with many geckos. One of the silver linings about having a lot of geckos is that my attention is divided so I"m not spending a lot of time thinking about one gecko. You can always take her out and see if, once she gets out, she seems to be OK with the handling. She may just as easily change back again in her behavior. Some of them get a bit more reclusive as winter approaches.


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