Help me pair my Leos


Leos Leos


I have three female Leos that are in heavy ovulation and I need help on what to pair them with
as I do not have the exact type male mate for them. :(

I have these ovulating Females:

Super Snow Het Tremp F that is 65 g
Tremper Enigma Het Diablo Blanco F 63 g
Blizzard Het Tremper F 55 g

My males are:

Mack Snow Het Tremper 65 g
Reverse Stripe Enigma 50g
Petternless Enigma 62 g
Murphy Patternless 68 g
High Yellow 65 g
Sunglow 59 g

Please tell me what you think I should pair them with!
I do not want to miss out on this mating oppurtunity. :main_yes:

Thank you in advance.

PS: this is a FANTASITIC Site. WOW!
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New Member
Oregon, IL
Your Blizzard het tremper for sure, Your SS het tremper with your Mack snow het tremper but I'm not sure about your Tremper Enig. het diablo blanco. I might not breed her this year and wait til you find a diablo blanco male


New Member
Oregon, IL
Million Dollar Geckos - Morph Calculator said:
50% Hypo Tremper Albino het Blizzard
50% Hypo het Blizzard het Tremper Albino

Some of the offspring may be Super Hypo (showing very little, if not zero body spotting)
Most of the offspring will show Banded patterning

The offspring may well show some Tangerine influence.

Then you breed any two of the offspring together and get Tremper Blazing Blizzards :D

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