HELP!!! My Tegu won't eat! URGENT!!


Wayward Victorian Girl
Steel City, Ontario, Canada
My boyfriend has a Columbian Golden Tegu, and he just won't eat. He's been hiding alot lately, and he's acting really REALLY strange (even for him). He's all jittery, his movement is jerky, and he asn't eaten in 3 days. We gave him his favourite, fuzzies, and he won't take them. He first seemed like he was afraid of them, and then when we stuck it RIGHT infront of his face, he wouldn't take it. We gave up, and just set it on his rock. Then he decided he'd just lie down, and it looked like he fell asleep. That's about where he is now, except that he looks awake again, sort of. He hasn't moved in about 20 minutes, and usually he's really active. We even tried to annoy him to get him to move, and nothing.

We're really worried. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP US!!!!! :'(


New Member
Lake Berryessa/Napa, Calif
Sounds like Vet time to me. The moment I saw it being all jittery and moving weird I would have been calling my reptile vet. Next best person to call is someone you know with alot of herp experience.


Wayward Victorian Girl
Steel City, Ontario, Canada
Normally I would have called the vet right away. Only problem is, they were closed. But he looks alright now. He decide to eat once we left the room. And he had gotten into his dish of clean water. So we're gonna attempt to feed him in a few minutes, and if he's not interested, we'll be making an appointment with the vet, at the very least. And most probably calling our friend who has a vast library of reptile care in his head.

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