Help! Need help identifying a baby gecko found far from its origin country


New Member
My friend works at a warehouse and he found a little baby gecko there. View attachment 61194
I live in Eastern Europe and we don´t naturally have geckos anywhere near here, since it´s a really cold climate. The baby is dark (chocolate) brown with stripes on the tail and lighter brownish symmetrical spots on the back. It´s really-really tiny, about 3,5 cm long. Tip of the tail has been damaged. The tail is slender. It has rather rectangular than oval head (and nose) shape. Since I have other pet reptiles at home (green iguana and snakes) and already have the lamps, vitamins, calcium and other stuff I decided to rescue the little one. I really could use some help with the identification, so I could take better care of it. I bought two different kinds of tiny worms from the petstore and put a little drop of soft banana in the habitat, but the little one is probably really stressed from all the travelling and hasn´t been eating yet. I only got him like 3 hrs ago. What else can I do to get things started? Right now it´s in a plastic petbox, i made him a place to hide and covered the floor with moist napkin. Can i try feeding it human baby food? And if it´s ok, than what type of baby food should it be -veggies? fuits? Or something else? I went to two pet stores today and we don´t have special gecko baby food, only canned and live crickets for the adult ones. The worms I got him are about 0.5-1 cm, they´re actually ment for fishing, but crickets and other worms were all too big so I thought I´d give it a try. I really don´t want it to die, so everything you guys can teach me to make it survive is a big help! Thanks!
P.S - sorry for my bad English.


wellston ohio
Hi Reajua,
It sounds like you may have an African Fat Tail with the browns and stuff. The tail is slender from not eating but they can go a while with out eating. If it is a Fat Tail, worms will be fine.i Feed mine meal worms and super worms and an occasional wax worm but not too many of those, they get addicted to wax worms and won't eat anything else. it could be possible you have a crested gecko and they eat Repashy which is something you buy in a pet store and fix up at home. look for pictures on the internet to decide which you have. if you just got him three hours ago, he is probably really stressed and needs some quit time. Good luck and may God Bless.


New Member
Thanks for your kind words, Mustang. I´ve looked through a lot of pictures today, but haven´t found this kind of colour & stripes as mine has yet. I hope he´ll survive and when he gets bigger it´s probably going to be easier to classify him.
Luckily I jfinally got a handful of really small baby crickets from a friend´s friend. The proper cricket size is so it fits between the eyes of the gecko? When I got back from my proper-sized cricket hunt I discovered the gecko is more active - he now climbs around and he even has pooped. That´s a good sign, right? I mean it´s pretty cold outside (around +3C to +7 C), and I don´t know how long the gecko was exposed to cold in the warehouse.. but if it´s moving around now and pooping there´s hope, right?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
The picture doesn't show up (it says "invalid attachment"). Perhaps you could try to post the picture another way.



New Member
That´s really weird, the picture was working yesterday... Okay, here´s a link to dropbox picture: 2.jpg#
I have good news - the two tiny crickets I put in there yesterday were both gone in the morning :D and after looking at many-many pictures I think I found it - mine looks a lot like Mauritian gecko aka common gecko. So I´ll lower humidity and will put some rocks to climb in there.

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