HELP! Need tips for putting two females together in same tank


New Member
Hey everyone,

So I am planning on putting my two female leos together in the same tank this weekend. I figured the weekend would be best since I can keep a close eye on them all day long. Just wondering if you had any advice for me? Both leos are about the same size. I have had one for 9 months and the other just over a month.

I once had their tanks side by side and when they saw eachother they always appeared calm and uninterested by eachother...I assume that is a good sign.

So any tips on making sure they get along well would be greatly appreciated! I am going to make sure they both have their own warm and cool hide to start with. Perhaps even seperate water and food bowls as well. I will be putting them both in a 40Gal tank that the newer one has already been living in for the past month. 2 leos in a 40gal should be enough space right?

Thanks for any advice you can offer! I really hope they get along. I don't want two tanks in my apartment forever. :(


Staff member
Somerville, MA
A lot of people have issues with housing geckos together for a variety of reasons including competition, bullying and being able to keep track of feeding. I have been housing geckos in groups for the past 6 years without problems. In fact, I re-combine breeding groups every year. Here are my recommendations, which is even more than what I do:
--clean the communal tank well and, if desired to be on the safe side, re-arrange the furniture. Include some of each geckos furniture in the new tank.
--put them together and watch them for awhile. It wouldn't be unusual for one or both to do the slow tail wave but there shouldn't be any outright aggression. If there is, you'll have to re-think this
--keep an eye on them for the weekend. Watch out for things like one gecko chasing another away from food, scratches on a gecko, and especially one gecko constantly sitting on the other gecko in the hide. This looks like "cuddling" but is actually dominance since the gecko on top will pursue the other wherever she goes and sit on her to make her move.

I have not had any of these problems with my geckos. Usually each gecko finds an area that s/he is most comfortable in and hangs out there. For instance, right now in my 1.2 Mack snow tank, the male is in the hide on the upper level, one female is in the hide with the hole in it and the other is in the gourd hide. They are almost always distributed like that.



New Member
Southern Cali
I recently purchased two females about 2 weeks ago and right away housed them together in a 40 gal breeder. I have two dark hides and one moist for them to share. They get along great with each other. They sleep in the same dark hard together and sometimes will lay together in the moist hide. I haven't seen any problems

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