Help pairing up please


New Member
New Hampshire
Hey I have 15 geckos at the moment and need some help on what I should add to my collection and what would be good/not good to pair up for what I have. For the males, I have; A tangerine Enigma, Snow Enigma, Snow, Dark Tremper Albino, and a Hypo w/tangerine influence. For females, I have; A diablo blanco, Normal, Hypo tangerine w/carrot tail, Hypo Tangerine, and a Raptor. I also have a blizzard, red eye enigma and three Albinos. Those last five are unsexed still. I plan on adding atleast 10 more geckos to my collection by the beginning of breeding season. I have plenty of room/food to support all of the geckos and have plans for the offsprings as well. If anyone wants to see any pictures of any of the geckos just let me know and I will repost.

Thanks everyone for all your help, you guys have been great!


Active Member
Southern Illinois
I would not breed the Enigmas, because your babies might get the Enigma syndrome. I would keep the Enigmas as pets if you like them, or sell them as pets.

It depends on what you want to create. You can pair Snows with anything, because Snow is dominant, and 50% of your babies would end up being Snows. Do you know of any hets of your animals? If you have a Snow het Tremper or a Snow Tremper, pair with a Tremper Albino.

For the Diablo Blanco, I would get another Diablo Blanco. For the Raptor, I would get another Raptor or a Snow or Super Snow Raptor. Otherwise, your babies will just be het Raptors, because the Eclipse gene is recessive, and you need two of those or at least one het Raptor in order to create Raptor offspring.

I wouldn't breed the Normal (unless you want to create lots of low-grade babies for sale to children or pet stores). You can breed the male Hypo Tang and the female Hypo Tang together; makes nice cheap geckos for sales.

For your Albinos, you need to find out whether they're Tremper, Bell, or Rainwater, and wait until they're sexable. Then, you'll know what you need to pair them up with.

Get what you're really interested in (do you like Bandits? Bold Stripes? Afghans? Halloween Masks?). I would go for quality, not quantity. Look for something exceptional, if you want exceptional offspring. Like an Electric pair (costs about as much as the 10 geckos you probably had in mind :p). The trick is, focus on one to two specific projects, and work towards your goal. Having one animal of each kind doesn't get you very far. You need compatible ones. You probably noticed that lots of people here on geckoforums are known for one specific thing; like, we have an Eclipse Queen, a Stripe King, a Carrot Tail King, a Snow Queen, a Funky Jungle King, a Firewater King, an Afghan King, and so on..... :D and I love my "Neon Bells."

So pick the kind of animal you personally like best, and acquire high-quality breeders, because the offspring is only as good as both parents are! :main_yes: Then, make a name for yourself for this one project. Create an interesting website with nice photos, develop some advertising signs, get a banner on GF, and show us what you have ;)



Wicked Gecko Queen
Nice job Chrissy! Said it so much better then how I was thinking of wording it out haha! :)


Northern California
Yeah I agree with Chrissy. Sell everything except the diablo blanco and buy a male db and some more female db. Or get a bb het db or raptor het db female to create lower variety to sell. Or pure white db for high quality.

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