Help Sexing Juviniles with Pictures

Tallahassee, Fl
These babies are all between 4-5 months old so you would think I would start seeing some signs but I really can't tell... I mean 2 of the 5 look like they might be male(bulges and I *think* I see pores). One is in shed so I'm only showing pictures of 4 of them. And...since I can only upload 6 files per post I will repost for the next 2 pics.

Gecko #1
Super Hypo Tang Carrot Tail
1stBabySuperHypoTangCT.jpg 1stBabySuperHypoTangCTSexingPic.jpg


Gecko #2
Super Hypo Very Tang CT - this one looks male-ish to me.
1stBabySuperHypoVeryTangCT2.jpg 1stBabySuperHypoVeryTangCT2SexingPic.jpg


Gecko #3
Tremper Albino
AlbinoSexingPic.jpg BabyAlbino.jpg



Ridgewood, NJ
They may still be too young to accurately sex. Sexing gets a whole lot easier around 30-40 grams. Its hard to tell when geckos are smaller than that unless you can look at their pores using a magnification loop. To me, the first and third look kind of female and the second one looks male but the pictures may be a bit too small and blurry (you need super focus to see pores on young geckos) to tell or their pores may just not be developed well enough to see yet. You may have to wait a couple months before you can tell for sure.
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Tallahassee, Fl
Thanks for the help, I agree on that sexing thats what I thought. Although I have a 25g that I was told is male but I'm questioning that. I was told to look for...ahem testicles but are you saying it is easier to look super close for pores instead and that can be noticed before maturity?

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