Help someone my Leopard Gecko escaped again


I am not sure how she escaped. but she did.
I am no longer trusting tubs even with lids.
I am switching to a 20-30 gallon aquarium as soon as the petco dollar for gallon sale is up.
but for now I have to deal with tub issues.

Back to the matter
I have an escaped Leopard gecko who as of yesterday is missing.
I setup a heat lamp and her favorite hide in one part of my room.
The thing is though the heat cable I thought I was going to get is in Ohio and still on its way.
Also If I use some paper plates and cut holes will she go in there?
Or will she stay where she is?

Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
I am not sure how she escaped. but she did.
I am no longer trusting tubs even with lids.
I am switching to a 20-30 gallon aquarium as soon as the petco dollar for gallon sale is up.
but for now I have to deal with tub issues.

I don't think tubs are your issue. I use tubs and have NEVER had a gecko escape. I use a rack and I also use loose tubs with lids for quarantine/sickness. It shouldn't be an issue unless you are totally irresponsible. This is the second time in a week that you've let your gecko escape. You should NOT be breeding next year like you say you are going to unless your husbandry skills increase like 1000 fold.

I hope you find the little one and if you do please try and be more careful.

im faster

Should Slow Down
Miamisburg, Ohio, United States
Its no big deal..

Just relax.. and look..

check under tables book cases anything it can fit under.. sshe is around somewhere.. and you have atleast a month before you have to worry about her being in danger.. unless you have cats..

i put down some baking soda on tile floors in a few places they like to go.. to check for foot prints


nope no cats thankfully allergic.
no I was not irresponsible the lid fell and created small 1/2 crack.
I tried covering it up so I cut in 2 and thats how she got out.
I don't have a rack system just a big tub with lid on. If I had rack it would fit tightly.
I am switching to aquariums...
2 10 GALLONS so I can put 1 in each? if i find other one


nope no cats thankfully allergic.
no I was not irresponsible the lid fell and created small 1/2 crack.
I tried covering it up so I cut in 2 and thats how she got out.
I don't have a rack system just a big tub with lid on. If I had rack it would fit tightly.
I am switching to aquariums...
2 10 GALLONS so I can put 1 in each? if i find other one

how can you blame tubs for you being irresponsible then? if the lid fell and created a 1/2inch crack so you cut it in half and thats how she got out? so you cut the lid in half and left a hole big enough for it to squeeze through and just left it like that without covering it up with tape or anything and are blaming the tub system?


one i did cover it when i found her.
2 the hole was 1 inch but cut in half was not big.
like size of exo terra crack.
i was already preparing to switch to tank again.


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
I have had one of my geckos escape a couple times on me. It was an error on my part every single time because I didn't secure the lid properly on one of the few tanks I have. He was the only one who had a hide that almost hit the top of the tank. I had to put a lock on it to remind me to secure it every time.

I would say that anyone who has kept reptiles for a period of time has had something escape. Having it multiple times in very little time means you need to look over what you are doing and find what needs to be corrected. A new tub with a lid that snaps on would work great and should fix your problem but if you want to go to a tank then that will work too.

Escaped geckos tend to want to find a secured place so look under and inside object that looks like they could be in real good. Sweep the area hitting every single spot whether you think it could be there or not. Be careful not to move things quickly or without looking closely. The one gecko that I had escape was found under the washer and dryer ever time. Setting out a dish of food and water may help as well. I hope you find him.


oh yeah no snap part.
although i did see the problem..
my fault.
i have a hot side which is just a carboard piece cut and placed at an angle with reptile carpet on top for traction.
i moved that under neath the lid so it does not point up to the hole.
she mustve shivvied up in there.

also i only have 1 missing
the smallest and the biggest likes to stay in tall moist hide but does not even attempt to climb the other just active active active


New Member
Austin, Texas
Just remember to watch where you step. I've only had an escape from my travel carriers... fatty tipped the bin over while I was grabbing something, luckily he was close.

Maybe run to the store to grab a red light and shut off all the lights...use the red light and maybe you'll be able to find him. Probably will stay hiding with the lights on :p

Good luck

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