What sources are you using for your research?.... As far as the procedures you mentioned....how humane they are depends a LOT on who you talk to. Humane is not a matter of black and white....there is a lot of grey in between. As far as de-beaking specifically....chickens are cannibalistic...they beat the crap out of eachother if they can...debeaking keeps then from trying to kill eachother, its a matter of welfare...they can still eat and drink...its more humane than most "free range" farms where the chickens kill and beat up on eachother...at least in my opinion
As far as horses specifically go....again they aren't being raised for slaughter, so the issues of other livestock actually raised for it do not come into play for horses. Many of them do live normal lives...others are unwanted horses that have been abused and neglected and would otherwise continue to be abused and neglected. The vast majority of horses going to slaughter would otherwise be abused and neglected (as I mentioned) or be euthanized anyway... which brings up another issue...the large number of carcasses that will have to be disposed of in some way should the bills pass into law...there's no plan on what to do with them.
As far as horses specifically go....again they aren't being raised for slaughter, so the issues of other livestock actually raised for it do not come into play for horses. Many of them do live normal lives...others are unwanted horses that have been abused and neglected and would otherwise continue to be abused and neglected. The vast majority of horses going to slaughter would otherwise be abused and neglected (as I mentioned) or be euthanized anyway... which brings up another issue...the large number of carcasses that will have to be disposed of in some way should the bills pass into law...there's no plan on what to do with them.