Help with Tokay breeding??


"Special Edition"
I bought a pair tokays last year, and since then unfortunately, my female died :(

I noticed that my male, Hades, was super lonely once she was gone and that was the first time I have ever heard him make his mating calls. So I decided to get him a replacement Persephone. I purchased a new female and placed her in with him. I don't think he liked her though, cause she always had some really bad battle wounds from him.

I have them separated now, for about a month now, and I would like to re-introduce her to him. Should I maybe place them in a different enclosure so he doesn't feel his territory is being threatened? Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading. :D


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
Tokay pairing can be tricky. Basically what I've found is that they tend to "bond" and when one is removed replacing it with another animal often results in some fighting. Another thing I've noticed is that sometimes tokays just don't like each other. There are some pairings that are incompatible. That being said, there are a few things you can try.

If your males the one showing the aggression you can try introducing him to the female's cage.

Neutral territory sometimes works. Setup a "breeding cage" and put them both in it at the same time. Watch carefully for any signs of serious aggression. Some chasing is normal, and even a little biting, but any major damage is a sign your pair may just not be compatible. If that's the case you may want to consider getting another female(and perhaps another male as well) and trying different pairings. I usually keep my tokays in pairs or trios and once I find a pair or group that bonds(you can usually easily tell when they do, they tend to hang out together all the time, one trio of mine lives in a huge 3ftX18inX4ft custom cage and they're always all clustered together in one favorite area) I leave them together permanently. Also, once you have an established pair don't add another animal to the group, they almost always gang up on her and often females will eat each others' eggs. Once they're established, theres not much more to breeding them other than maintaining proper temps and humidity and providing a good diet. Tokays will breed year round, though I often tend to see an increase in breeding activity during/after rainstorms, so frequent misting might help to "set the mood) and males guard eggs/hatchlings fiercely so be careful removing them if you want to incubate seperately.
Tokays are my favorite geckos, despite their usually unfriendly personality, and they are super easy to keep and breed. Good luck!

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