My dear little komodo it seems to have something wrong...I dunno what it is, dont even know where to begin to look. I brought him to the pet store and he looked at him and says it kinda looks like it maybe subcutaneus worms..He said itd be very rare but with a place like big apple herps(where i got him almost a year ago) he wouldnt put it past them...Obviously im gonna get him to a vet ASAP but with christmas here i dont have the spare change i normally would so its gonna have to wait...Which im bumming! Any advice/info would be great. Now a bit about him. Hes a mack patty, he eats 3 large super worms 2-3 weeks. Hes cooling down(i live in norther MN so) and he likes to rub on his hubba hut hoping its from that...It has been dryer(air) so i have a humidifier going and gonna give him soaks and hope its just dry skin.... Sorry for the pics not being great he wouldnt hold still for zoom. Its on his side of his head, leg, and other side mostly. the spot on his side was just darker nothing there.