het raptor x het raptor =?


New Member
monkeygirl said:
will that give me 25% chance of a raptor?

If your het RAPTOR's was Albinos het RAPTOR's I'm not sure if it would be as high as 25% ? as RAPTOR's are combo morph you need all the pieces to fit and the only two gene that would be the 25% witch are recessive is the ALBINO and ECLIPSE gene but there is ofcorese a chance.The body pattern would be pretty much hit or miss But would range from anything to banded/abberant/jungle/striped/reverse striped/patternless striped-this one you need for protental RAPTOR.

And if the het RAPTOR's was NON albinos het RAPTOR's then the odds would be even smaller for the RAPTOR as it would also result ECLIPSE-(black eye).


dang, there jungle albinos


not recent pics but thats them there.....so less than a 25% chance of getting a raptor!! that sucks as im not even sure iv got any good eggs yet, possible these ones are but they were sweating today so...chances are not good.


New Member
Nice pair :main_thumbsup: with them as breeders i'm not sure on the percent but your odds i'd imagon are fairly good.Ofcorse with your breeders being albino jungles all the offsping will be ALBINO of what ever body pattern the the odds give you.The 25% will be the eclipse gene the rest is luck of the draw :main_thumbsup: .But you still have fairly good odds on (albino patternless striped-(APTOR's) so i'd say not all bad :main_thumbsup: .


New Member
Hanover, PA
Id say you have a 25% chance of ruby red eyes, as far as the PRS its hard to say, no one realy knows how stripe and reverse stripe work. I beleive you can produce either stripe or reverse stripe from jungles, so im not realy sure there is a percentage chance of it, more or less just it happens or not. But not to worry but the Red Eyes is the most importaint part. A red eye jungle or red eye banded can be worth just as much as a raptor as long as it is nice tang and a nice ct. the PRS is such a hit or miss the linebred traits and red eyes are the most importaint

edit: After taking a second look at your pics instead of just a quick glance, the second isnt a jungle, its actully an APTOR, so the pattern is there for ya :)


what makes teh second one an APTOR? they look the same apart from the stripe on the tail to me, there both beutys though (male = tiger, female = sasuke) :)


New Member
trizzypballr said:
edit: After taking a second look at your pics instead of just a quick glance, the second isnt a jungle, its actully an APTOR, so the pattern is there for ya :)

I think trizzypballs maybe right but i'm not 100% i've looked at some past patternless striped-(non albino form of APTOR) pictures and she does look very muck like some.You say the picture are not new in the picture she look like what some may call a dookie APTOR :D meaning exspessing brown this somtimes shows parts of the patterning that usually hidden.Do you have any newer or upto date pictures ?.

It's fairly hard to explain what make a APTOR a APTOR other than it's in the name but there can be some very fine lines sometime leways.Easyist thing for you to do is serf this forum and the web for pictures and info if you have a rough idea on genetic you should roughly or fully work it out.It's only the body pattern you need to pay atenton to so look for (APTOR/RAPTOR/PATTERNLESS STRIPE/PATTERNLESS RED STRIPE).
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Luxurious Leopards
I would not consider either one to be APTOR. Neither one is patternless. I think the term aptor/raptor has been too often miss used. For example how can you have a banded RAPTOR??? No such thing it would be a red eyed(RUby eyed) banded tremper( NO patternless gene showing). I would call both leos in the pics very nice examples of jungles, not patternless in those pics. Now alot of "aptor" turn aptor as they grow, in other words hybino out and loose the pattern. But updated pics would be a help in this case but i dont see how either of those could be even close to being considered aptor

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