Hey everyone, I've been dying to join this forum, deffinately worth the wait
Im 18 and from the Ottawa area, I got my first gecko Casanova, a Tremper Albino male from my friend, one of Moose's sons back in January and I've been hooked ever since
I've since added to my collection 2 baby females, a high-yellow named Ivy and a tangerine carrot-tail named Chloe and as of this week my new 2 1/2 yr old named Blizzard, which is ironic because he's not a blizzard at all but actually a super mack snow patternless albino I am told (does that even exist?) He is a patternless anyways, was thinking of changing the name to avoid confusion but for now he is Blizzard the Lizzard. I will post pictures as soon as I figure out how lol!!