Hey guys


Breeder in the making
PEI Canada
hello group! my name is layton and I am on my way to being a gecko addict and need some help to get there woohooo!!!:main_laugh:
well right now I only have a male fatty but I will be getting him a lady friend soon and I would enjoy having you along for the ride

well I am a huge animal lover and during the summer Im eather working or out looking for every critter in the woods but mostly snakes
I have a zoo in my house and its contents are
1.1 hedgehogs
1.0 fat tail
1.1 dogs
0.1 cat
0.1 cockateil
and of corse my fish

I have also kept degus, hamsters, berber skink and a emerald swift when I was 7 who did not last long:(
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Welcome to GF :D

Very nice AFT!

I am too, a huge animal lover/fanatic :D

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