Hey guys!


New Member
Simpsonville, South Carolina
Hey my name is Richard and I just recently got my first reptile ever! He is (from what I have been told) a Male Bold Striped Paroedura Picta (Panther Gecko). He is really friendly but I just hope he isn't getting to stressed out from the new home all of a sudden and everything because his head shakes alot. But he's really cool and i'm not sure but i'm wondering if he is an albino? Anyway, I'm glad to be a part of the community and with some really nice, friendly people. So, thanks for accepting me here :)

(My Showcase)


New Member
Milford PA
Welcome to the forums. And cute gecko but I think you need to work on your tank setup from the images I see it looks to dry. You do know these geckos are high humidity. Think Rain forest in the summer and you'll understand where I'm coming from.

You need fake tree's in the tank and places for him to hide. Use a few hide boxes. One in the cool are of the tank and one in the hotter area of the tank. This is so the gecko has a place to hide when scared. And it will help with the stress level. Since they aren't big climbers You can use a more natural dirt substrate or a Moss substrate for the bottom of the tank. This holds moisture pretty well. They don't need a day light. It stresses them out. Use a night (Red or Blue) light. They are a nocturnal species and should be treated correctly. Their eyes don't do well in direct sunlight (or day lights). Day temps should be no more then 85 with a cooling at night at about 75. Remember to set a Under tank heating mat to one side and keep the temp about 88 in that spot. That would be the basking spot. But you have to remember these guys are from Madagascar. So a desert setup (it looks like that is what you have) wouldn't work. They normally hide in leaf litter. Where the humidity is higher.

Hope this information helps you out.
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