Hey Ya'll!


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
Wow, A lot has changed on here since I've last been on. It's been awhile since I've posted so I thought I'd say hi to all of the member's that have joined since I was last active. Just an update on Matt and me. We're both going to U.F. here in Florida. I'm getting my bachelor's in animal biology with an interest in conservation and ecology. Applying to vet school as well with interest in reptiles and amphibians. I'm also starting a club in the fall called Students for Exotic Animal Science. Matt's getting his bachelor's in Aerospace Engineering and then going for his Master's and possible PhD. We've had leopard geckos now for 3 years now and did breed them at one time but now we are down to our 4 favorites and just keep them as pets. I also have a hognose named Leonard. Hopefully we'll be adding a tortoise soon since a lot of my interest in conservation has to do with turtle and tortoise research. :main_thumbsup:


New Member
Maryville, TN
Good to see everything is going great Mal. Sucks you had to stop breeding, but it was for the best! Congrats on getting the schooling situation underway!


Hey guys!! I havent been on here in a while either, new full time job teaching the sixth grade in public school... not a picnic... Travel is 2-3 hours total each day to top it off.. I have been so exhausted that it was probably around 6 months since I have surfed the forums....

It seems like you both are doing very well!! Congrats on doing something that has meaning to you and many of us as well. I have also always been interested in Ecology and Wildlife preservation but my life went another way. I just think its awesome you both are following your passion, it will truely bring happiness in your lives.

Mallorie, let me know about that club you are starting. If you run anything online I would love to have my new class in the fall take part in it and perhaps the entire school... we have over 800 children in K-8 and it would give them a great opportunity to learn about something that has become very important in our world today.
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