Hi everyone!!


New Member
My name is Peter and i'm from CA. I've been keeping reptiles ever since i was a kid. I worked with chameleons, leopard geckos, viper geckos, knobtails, and a few snakes. Currently i only keep a few knobtails and leopard geckos. I used to breed a lot of freshwater fishes( Mostly rare african cichlids and plecos). Well just wanted to introduce myself and say HI to everyone!! :main_cool3:


New Member
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I wouldn't say I'm an expert. I'm probably just like everyone else on here. I research what I don't know. I try to learn from my own experiences and the experiences of others. I'm open minded and always try to learn something new. A person that thinks they know everything can not learn anything new and will probably end up knowing nothing at all.


S/H Tangerine carrot tail
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I wouldn't say I'm an expert. I'm probably just like everyone else on here. I research what I don't know. I try to learn from my own experiences and the experiences of others. I'm open minded and always try to learn something new. A person that thinks they know everything can not learn anything new and will probably end up knowing nothing at all.
Hi Quite agree with you there mate:main_thumbsup: I've researched having to males previous a while ago before i had blaze but since i joined the site i've had a few things pointed out which i've taken into consideration:main_yes: but my system seems to be set up totally different to alot of other member's.

We're always constant learners wheather it be reptiles or animals:D

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