Hi from UK


geckonoob 305

hey my names matthew and im 13 and i got my leo 5 days ago he is a couple weeks old and ive noticed that he stays in his hide all day everyday . I know that he is nocternal but even at night he stays in there
IS THIS NORMAL?::main_huh:


The Reverend LzzrdBoy
Columbia, SC
Welcome to the boards my UK brother! My Neo is much older than yours but he also prefers to stick to his hides for the majority of the day. Like the previous poster said, check your temps. Otherwise, as long as he's eating and pooping and all that jazz, probably just chillin'.

Enjoy the forum and take care!

geckonoob 305


Only got one temp guage on the side of his home, its in the yellow (80F), the heater mat seems to keep the home hot, not sure about putting the lamp on, it seems to make this hotter, leo just moves to the cold side?
Leo is eating and pooing seems happy,


hi im a relatively new leo owner but over my short 4 moth period ive learned a few things. now u said you just got your leo recently right? he or she is probaly just scared and adjusting to her new situations in my tank the hot side is bewteen 82-90f you might also need to turn your heat lamp on for a few hours here and there to heat things up i hope i helped

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